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CAED Lecture Series - Resource Lists

This guide features selected resources on featured lecturers appearing at the Kent State College of Architecture and Environmental Design.

Selected Resources for:

Georgina Huljich & Marcelo Spina

Principals, P-A-T-T-E-R-N Studio.

For lecture dates and times visit the Kent State CAED Lecture Series page.


Selected Publications Location/Availability
Moss, Eric Owen. “‘There Is Always a Historical Moment When Techniques and Methodology Influence Culture.’” Architectural Review 233, no. 1395 (May 2013): 52–61. PDF Full Text
Volner, Ian. “Jujuy Redux: Marcelo Spina and Georgina Huljich of P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S and Maximiliano Spina of Maxi Spina Architects Influenced Developers and Pushed Contractors to Realize a Distinctly Modern Multifamily Mid-Rise. It’s Located in a Postindustrial Neighborhood in Marcelo and Maxi’s Hometown of Rosario -- Which Happens to Be One of the Fastest-Growing Cities in Argentina.” Architect (Washington, D.C.), no. 9 (September 1, 2012): 114. Available Online
Fabris, Luca Maria Francesco. “Modellato Dalla Luce: La Plasticità Della Pelle Esterna Disegna in Modo Fluido La Superficie Dell’edificio Firmato Da Marcelo Spina e Georgina Huljich. Un Uso Interessante Del Cemento Armato.” Abitare, no. 510 (March 1, 2011): 33–35. Main Library - Print Only
Huljich, Georgina, Marcelo Spina, Eric Höweler, Meejin Yoon, and Amanda Reeser Lawrence. “Höweker+Yoon Interviews Patterns.” Praxis: Journal of Writing + Building, no. 11–12 (January 1, 2010): 121–32. Architecture Library - Print Only
Spina, Marcelo, Georgina Huljich, and Todd Gannon. “Ouch or Ooooh? On ‘Matters of Sensation.’” Log, no. 17 (January 1, 2009): 93–104. Available Online through JSTOR
“PATTERNS: 8746 Sunset Boutique—Plastic Sensations.” A + U: Architecture & Urbanism, no. 455 (August 2008): 70–71. Main Library - Print Only
“PATTERNS: Broad Café @ SCI-Arc—Light Sensations.” A + U: Architecture & Urbanism, no. 455 (August 2008): 72–73. Main Library - Print Only
Harte, David. “PLASTIC PULSE: Pattern’s Extruded Ecoresin Draws Eyes on the Sunset Strip.” FORM: Pioneering Design, March 2008, 14. PDF Full Text
“8746 Sunset Boulevard Boutique.” Architectural Record 194, no. 11 (November 2006): 23. Main Library - Print Only
Chang, Jade. “Made in Hollywood: The Warner Bros. Set Shop Has Become an Invaluable Resource for a Generation of Young L.A. Designers Pushing the Boundaries of Fabrication.” Metropolis 24, no. 11 (July 1, 2005): 126. Main Library - Print Only
Dulin, Michael. 2004. “Defining the Edge: Chicago’s 21st Century Lakefront Competition.” Competitions 14 (3): 22–31. Main Library - Print Only
Speaks, Michael. “Marcelo Spina and His Firm Patterns Shake Things up by Fusingmaterials and Program.” Architectural Record 192, no. 12 (December 2004): 124–29. Main Library - Print Only
Spina, Marcelo, and Michael Speaks. “Design Intelligence, Part 12: Marcelo Spina / PATTERNS.” A + U: Architecture and Urbanism, no. 399 (November 1, 2003): 162–69. Main Library - Print Only
“Marcelo Spina: Edificio per Appartamenti, Rosario, Argentina 2003.” Casabella, no. 715 (October 1, 2003): 50–55. Main Library - Print Only
Speaks, Michael. “Marcelo Spina / PATTERNS.” A + U: Architecture & Urbanism, no. 399 (December 2003): 162–69. Main Library - Print Only
“Marcelo Spina. (Italian).” Casabella 67 (October 2003): 50–55. Main Library - Print Only
Verona, Irina. “Jujuy 2056, Rosario, Argentina: Marcelo Spina Architects.” Praxis: Journal of Writing + Building, no. 3 (January 1, 2001): 38–45. Arch Library - Print Only

Additional Resources

This guide was created with resources available through Kent State University Libraries or freely online.  Visit P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S site for additional resources.  These resources were compiled by Bryan Kvet for the Joseph F Morbito Architectural Library in October 2021.