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Office Olympics: Olympic Schedule of Events

2024 Schedule of Events

Events for the 2024 Olympics. All competitions (except for Monday, July 29) will take place from noon until 1 p.m. EST

Monday, July 29 The 2024 logo for the Kent State University Libraries Office Olympics "We'll always have Paris" games; a passport style travel stamp in blue and red with a black squirrel climbing the eiffel tower and wearing a red beret

Opening Ceremonies

  • Time: 11:30 a.m. (EST)
  • Location: 1st floor Harrick Garden Room, University Library
  • Master of Ceremonies: Cindy Kristof and Kate Medicus

Join us as we light the torch and kick off the 8th Office Olympiad of the Modern Era

EVENT: Lancer Du Disque (Diskus Throw)

  • Location: Manchester Field
  • Officiated by: Cindy Kristof and Lori Boes

An Office Olympics tradition; the athlete with the longest throw wins.

Diskus Throw Results:
  • GOLD: Troy Cherrington - 91' 8"
  • SILVER: Paul Campbell - 72' 6"
  • BRONZE: Kelly Riley - 64' 2"


Tuesday, July 30



EVENT: Ping-Pong Périodique (Periodical Ping-Pong)

  • Location: May 4 Room
  • Officiated by: Tony Snyder, Arpi Anderson and Lori Boes

This is table tennis rules with one exception: the "regulation paddle" is a bound periodical! This is a multi-day tournament. Please sign up on Tuesday, July 30 to participate!


EVENT: Livre Poutre d'Equilibre (Book Balance Beam)

  • Location: Library Room 1018
  • Officiated by: Cindy Kristof

Do something creative with a book while trying to maintain your balance on a 4 inch wide tape on the floor. Can be set to music.

Book Balance Beam results:

  • GOLD: Kate Medicus
  • SILVER: Shaun Flynn
  • BRONZE: Clara Totten

This was a tough one for our judges. Tammy displayed such great skill in her post-injury come-back! Phoeby's extensions are outstanding! Nan's gentle grace and ballet training were on display! Lori's jumps and personality showed right through. Clara's grace and expression coupled with incorporation of the book into her routine was a standout. Shaun's performance included real gymnastics, marred only by deductions for stepping off the beam. Finally, Kate's creativity and expression won over the judges' hearts!


EVENT: Course de Caveau

  • Location: Room 370
  • Officiated by: Kelly Riley and Anita Miller

An event based on the Paris tradition, Course de Cafe! Athletes will carry a tray of assorted items through a designated course through room 370. This is both a physical and mental test (with some elements of the Assure Vault project). This is a timed event with the winners having the three best times.

Course de Caveau results:

  • GOLD: David Tinley (SMS student), 00:51.57
  • SILVER: Kelly Riley, 01:01.18 
  • BRONZE: Sarah Vorndran (SMS student), 01:05.05



Wednesday, July 31


EVENT: Ping-Pong Périodique

  • Location: May 4 Room
  • Officiated by: Tony Snyder, Arpi Anderson and Lori Boes


EVENT: Toss your Croissant (cornhole board competition)

  • Location: 5th floor Library
  • Officiated by: Communications Office

Contestants will toss bean bags to win points and perhaps become the Olympian to win the gold!

Cornhole Board results:

  • GOLD (tie):  Ken Burhanna & Lori Boes
  • SILVER: Andy Martineau
  • BRONZE (tie): Christine Brooks, Nan Garrison (Marantz Collection), Liz Richardson, and Sarah Vorndran (SMS student)


Thursday, August 1


EVENT: Ping-Pong Périodique

  • Location: May 4 Room
  • Officiated by: Tony Snyder, Arpi Anderson and Lori Boes

Ping-Pong Results:

  • GOLD: Jasmine Jefferson
  • SILVER: Sarah Vorndran (SMS student)
  • BRONZE: Tammy Voelker

EVENT: Basket-ball de Papier (paperwad basketball)

  • Location: Room 334
  • Officiated by: Kara Robinson

One-minute paperwad basketball shooting contest. This classic Office Olympics event returns ... who will take the gold this year?

Paperwad Basketball Results:

  • GOLD: Andy Martineau with 62 points (7 one point baskets; 5 five point baskets; and 3 ten point baskets)
  • SILVER: Mike Collura with 49 points (24 one point baskets and 5 five point baskets)
  • BRONZE: Cynthia Williams with 45 points (15 one point baskets and 6 five point baskets)


EVENT: Paris-Charles De Gaulle Concours d'Avions en Papier (Paper Airplane Throw)

  • Location: 3rd floor hallway
  • Officiated by: Dean's Office

Precision folding skills and a good aim are key as athletes compete for the longest flight of their paper airplanes.

Paper Airplane Throw Results:

  • GOLD – Andy Martineau, 38 feet 4.5 inches
  • SILVER – Mike Collura, 31 feet 1 inch
  • BRONZE – Kate Medicus, 29 feet 8 inches


Friday, August 2



EVENT: "Quasimodo Climb" (library stairwell/elevator race)

  • Location: Starts at 3rd floor elevator lobby
  • Officiated by: Kate Medicus

Compete in a treasure hunt and timed race to the top of the Bell Tower of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris!  Athletes will choose to participate in one of two divisions: the Stairwell Division or the Elevator Division. Check in at the starting line on the 3rd floor, near the elevator lobby.


  • GOLD: Andy Martineau (3:54)
  • SILVER: Beate Gersch  (4:17)
  • BRONZE: Gen Brooks (Chris's daughter)  (5:10)


  • GOLD: Anita Miller  (1:53) 
  • SILVER: Anita Martin  (3:41)
  • BRONZE: Phoeby Trask  (3:54)

The judges were astounded by these travel times! Anita Miller did get lucky with a waiting elevator...but to get to the 12th floor in under two minutes is clearly a new world record! It was a great day for "Team Anita" with Anita Martin not far behind, in spite of numerous nasty elevator glitches, and a very exciting race overall with Miller and Trask finishing mere seconds apart. In the Stairwell Division, Martineau took the gold, as expected; he was the #1 pick in the betting pools. But Gersch surprised the onlookers by downplaying her determination prior to the race, saying she planned to just stroll up the stairs for fun and not worry about speed. Her performance indicates otherwise and this reporter later learned that she was taking the steps two at a time!


EVENT: LC Truffle Shuffle

  • Location: Room 334
  • Officiated by: Cindy Kristof and Edith Serkownek

Those who have used print library books will definitely have the edge in this one. This isn't your Grandfather's Dewey Decimal System either. Your challenge, if you are Olympian enough to accept it, is to put books in call number order. The clock will be ticking...Bound to be a pressure-cooker event for both participants and observers.

LC Shuffle results:

  • Gold: Anita Martin - with 100% accuracy and a time of 2:57:25
  • Silver: Tammy Voelker - with 100% accuracy and a time of 4:12:90
  • Bronze: Anita Miller - with only one error and a time of 2:34:18


Monday, August 5


EVENT: Eiffel Tower Plunge (paperclip diving)

  • Location: Outside the Library building
  • Officiated by: Tammy Voelker

Divers will stand on a step ladder and drop paperclips, trying to hit the target below which is segmented into different areas/point values. Each diver will drop 6 paper clips and their total score will be recorded by the judges. In the event of a tie, divers may be called back for a dive off. Top three scores will medal.

Paperclip Diving results:

  • GOLD- Anita Miller- 175 points
  • SILVER- Anita Slack- 150 points
  • BRONZE- TIE- Andy Martineau and Sean Kennedy – 125 points


EVENT: Seine-chronized Teams Messaging

  • Location: Room 209A
  • Officiated by: Liz Richardson

Teams of two prepare a sychnronized typing presentation that they type on the Teams phone or computer app and are judged on artistic impression and technical skills (required to include certain elements such as a squirrel emoji).

Seine-chronized Teams Messaging results:

  • SILVER: Cindy Kristof and Anita Miller 9.916
  • GOLD: Cindy Kristof and Andy Martineau 10.666
  • BRONZE: Cindy Kristof and Tony Snyder 9.5


Wednesday, August 7

Closing Ceremony and Awarding of Olympic Medals

  • Time: 12:15 p.m.
  • Location: 1st floor Harrick Garden Room, University Library
  • French-themed potluck lunch with ceremony starting around 12:30 p.m.

Get involved

Do you have the desire to be a part of this long-standing Kent State University Libraries tradition and help shape the 2024 Games? Email to be connected to the Office Olympics Planning Committee.



Eligible athletes include:

  • All employees, retirees, and volunteers of Kent State University Libraries (at all locations and campuses)
  • Everyone who works or volunteers in the University Library Building on the Kent campus
  • Children and other special young people of eligible athletes (grandchildren, nephews, nieces, etc., etc.)


No advanced registration is required. Participation in the Games provides tacit permission for the future use of any photographs or videos.