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Office Olympics: Office Olympics 2008

2008 Office Olympiad - The Dynasty Games

The graphical emblem of the 2008 UL Office Olympics - the Dynasty Games; a blue graphic with red parasol and golden dragon wrapped around itThe IV Office Olympiad of the Modern Era

The Games are a memory!

2008 Olympic Schedule of Events

Days 1-4

Days 5-8

Monday, July 21

Opening Ceremony

Location: The Field of Dreams (outside Library on east side)

Beijing Fling Diskus Throw [Triathlon Event]

Venue: The Field of Dreams (outside Library, east side)

Description: This event offers a trip down Memory Lane for those who are old enough to remember the 5.25" diskus as standard equipment. Cyber-archaeologists have made available unearthed disks to challenge the athletes of this Olympiad to compete as in the days of olde. Due to unexpected modifications to the playing field, it will no longer be sufficient for the athlete to go for distance. To win, it will be necessary to apply skill and judgment and assess prevailing winds.

Judges: Keeper of the Disks Tom Warren and staff

Friday, July 25

Oriental Snake Coiling

Venue: Shangdu Snakepit (go to the Field of Dreams, green space next to Cunningham Hall, site of the Diskus Throw)

Description: This is a timed event.The athlete who can coil the 100-foot length of coax (the stiff kind, you can't wrap this around your elbow) in the shortest time is the winner. There is a secret to this, but the event judges from Teleproductions are not talking.

Judges: Teleproductions


Egg Roll Toss [Triathlon Event]

Venue: Kung Pao Courts (Room 222)

Description: Spend a lot of time in your office tossing paperwads into the trash? Now is your chance to showcase those skills and maybe end up with gold and a shoe named for you. Compete against the clock to see how many paperwads you can sink in one minute. Apply strategy to your shot selection -- go for the 25-point paperwads first, or play it safe with the 1-point paperwads. Medalists based on number of hoops sunk.

Judges: Kara Robinson et al


Tea Cup Diving

Venue: Lotus Pool (east side of Main Library)

Description: At last, an event to test courage and aquatic skill. Divers stand on a stepladder and drop paperclips one-at-a-time into the pool below, trying to land the paper clips into the floating container. The diver with the highest score will win. Rounds will be conducted if the scoring demands.

Judges: Interlibrary Loan Lifeguard Staff

Tuesday, July 22

Yin and Yang Ping Pong (Day 1)

Venue: Beijing Velodrome (Reference Conference Room, 161 Library)

Description: It was just a matter of time after they started playing volleyball in the sand that some sports enthusiast would take it to the next dimensions and create periodical ping pong. Yes, that's right, no paddles -- but a withdrawn current or bound journal! Of special meaning, perhaps, for those who have had it up to here with journal inflation.

Judges: Tony Snyder
Coordinators: Diane May and Leigh Mauer


Feng Shui Shuffleboard

Venue: The Silk Road (Basement, oops, lower level hallway)

Description: Microfilm may be an old format, but it comes into its own in this event. Using discarded microfilm reels and a broom, athletes are challenged to shoot for gold.

Judges: Budget Office


I Ching LC Shuffle

Venue: Rice Bowl (1st floor Circulation sorting range)

Description: Those who have used print library books will definitely have the edge in this one. This isn't your Grandfather's Dewey Decimal System either. Your challenge, if you are Olympian enough to accept it, is to put books in call number order. The clock will be ticking...Bound to be a pressure-cooker event for both participants and observers.

Judges: Circulation


Sherpa Ascent Marathon 

Venue: Mt. Taishan (back stairs)

Description: To climb the most stairs within the allotted time.

Judges: Joe Salem

Monday, July 28

Ceiling Tile Chopsticks

Venue: Takeout Alley (Lower level, yes, basement, hallway)


Have you eaten enough Chinese takeout to be nimble with your chopsticks? If so, you can definitely be a competitor in this event. The goal is to throw chopsticks into a ceiling tile. [Note: this is a Zone Maintenance approved event].

Judges: Joe Salem


Great Wall SPSS Balance Beam

Venue: Great Wall Watchtower (9th floor, Main Library)

Description: Selecting the appropriate statistical analysis from the many available in SPSS requires a sense of poise, drama, and of course, balance! Here's your chance to demonstrate your ability to manipulate SPSS with grace and precision. Athletes will walk a balance beam, performing their own routines, while holding or balancing at least one copy of the SPSS Reference Guide.

Judges: SPSS Central Committee


Kung Fu Archery [Triathlon Event]

Venue: Forbidden City (Room 122)

Description: Deer hunters may have an edge on this one. Athletes shoot rubberbands to knock over standing CD-ROMs (in their cases).


Sharp Shooters from Teleproductions

Wednesday, July 23

Yin and Yang Ping Pong (Day 2)

Venue: Beijing Velodrome (Reference Conference Room, 161 Library)

Judges: Tony Snyder
Coordinators: Diane May and Leigh Mauer


Kode Fu

Venue: Martial Arts Arena (Room 333)

Description: Warriors fight to be the fastest to assemble a software program from code snippets. This is a timed event.

Judges: LMS Web Team


Periodical Pricing Pandamonium

Venue: Tea Leave Gardens (Room 370 hallway)

Description: Test your budget skills in Technical Services. Athletes will have 3 minutes (180 seconds) to estimate the annual subscription price of 14 periodicals. The winner is the athlete who comes closest to the total subscription price for all 14 periodicals, without going over!

Judges: The Serials Dept. (Anita Martin, Paula Wright, Jen Rice) will total the estimates and determine the top three winners. Each estimate will be checked at least two times for accuracy.


The Mel Jensen Honorary Whiteboard Relay

Venue: House of Confucious (Room 334)

Description: Teams of three compete to successfully copy a text onto a whiteboard (legibly), perfomr an analytical task on that text and then clean the whiteboard. Teams are judge on their time and accuracy. Athletes will participate in teams of three. Scoring is based on completion time, to be measured by stop watches. Time penalties may be deducted (to be determined by a designated referee)-see details below. Two teams will compete at a time.  Teams will be handed their instructions (each team member has a different set of instructions), additionally team member #1 on each team will get a whiteboard marker and team member #3 on each team will each get a water spray bottle and paper towel. The time keepers (2) will begin each heat with the traditional “on your mark, set, go…”, after which the team members will perform the following tasks in order

Judges: Instructional Services Team

Tuesday, July 29

Rickshaw Precision Roundabout [Exhibition]
Closing Ceremony--Awarding of the Medals


Thursday, July 24

Yin and Yang Ping Pong (Day 3, finals)

Venue: Beijing Velodrome (Reference Conference Room, 161 Library)


Dogfight of the Dragon Paper Airplane Throw

Venue: Beijing Aerodrome(3rd floor hallway, Main Library)

Description: Athletes will construct a paper airplane within a designated time, using the Official Sheet of Paper. Planes must be constructed following conventional aerodynamic design. Judges will be on the alert for anyone attempting to think outside of the box.

Judges: Dean's Office Tarmac Crew


Pagoda Language Challenge

Venue: Forbidden City (Room 122)

Description: Participants will try to match the name of a language (found in our collection) to the country (on a world map) to which it belongs in 2 minutes. If necessary a run off between participants will be played without country names on a map.

Judges: Map Library


True Crime Poison Dart Throw

Venue: Jackie Chan Sports Complex (In the Plaza, between the fountain and the Library wall)

Description: Aim for notorious historical criminals on the dart board and earn points for each one hit.

Judges: Kate Medicus, Craig Simpson