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Office Olympics: Office Olympics 2000

2000 Olympiad - The Games from Down Under

Graphical emblem for the 2000 UL Office Olympics - a round, white shape with a red torch flame on itSeptember 18 - 28

The II Office Olympiad of the Modern Era

The Olympic spirit arrived with Office Olympics 2000: the Games from Down Under! Sponsored by Libraries & Media Services, events began on Monday, September 18, and closed on Thursday, September 28.

Participation was open to staff of Libraries & Media Services, regardless of geographical location, and to all staff from other units who worked in the Main Library building. Student employees were included.

Events were held each day from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Venues were throughout the Library and its nearby territories. Although designed to be wild and crazy, the Games were planned so as not to disrupt users and visitors to the Main Library.

2000 Olympic Schedule of Events

Week 1

Monday, Sept.18

Opening Ceremony


Diskus Throw

Venue: The Outback (aka Field of Dreams, east side of Library)

Description: This event offers a trip down Memory Lane for those who are old enough to remember the 5.25" diskus as standard equipment. The Interdivisional Olympic Committee (yes, that same IOC) has unearthed enough disks to challenge Olympic athletes to see just how far they can throw these.

Judges: Wei-ping Zhang, Diane May

Tuesday, Sept.19

Crocodile Cable Coiling

Venue: The Outback (aka Field of Dreams, east side of Library)

Description: his is a timed event.The athlete who can coil the 100-foot length of coax (the stiff kind, you can't wrap this around your elbow) in the shortest time is the winner.

Judges: Dan Tonelli

Walk-About Telephone Tag

Venue: Room 161, Reference Office

Description: Remember phone training? Well, here is your chance to demonstrate your telephony proficiency. Walk-About Telephone Tag will feature two-person teams pushing the envelope on telephone transfer along with other office skills. The entire event will be timed. Any tie in the timed event will be broken based on the subjective judging of the artistic quality of the drawing the participants create at the end of the event.

Judges: Cindy Rasmussen & Mary Lovin

Wednesday, Sept.20

Outback Relay

Venue: Collection Management, Room 370

Description: Another all-terrain, team event. Seen by some as reckless as some X-style sports. Imagine an event that requires team members to work through stops in Technical Services with no opportunity to catch their breath. Success will undoubtedly lay in how well they are able to pass the wand from one functional area to the next. Will seeing really be believing?

Judges: Anita Martin and Margaret Maurer

Video Cassette Boxing

Venue: Reference Forum Conference Suite (Room 161)

Description: A speciality sport for those who can get video cassettes in their boxes under time pressure. This is a simple timed event to test the athlete's manual dexterity and coolness under the stop watch. The athlete who can correctly load 25 VHS cassettes into plastic album cases in the shortest time will win the event.

Judges: Dan Tonelli

Thursday, Sept.21

LC Shuffle

Venue: Tasmania (1st floor sorting range)

Description: So you think you know the Library of Congress classification system! This is a test to see how well you can display that knowledge in practice and under the gun of the clock. Bound to be a pressure-cooker event for both participants and observers.

Judges: Bob Gray

Origami Regatta

Venue: Book-in-Bay (Staff Lounge, 3rd floor)

Description: Yachtspersons used to sailing the Cuyahoga are challenged to fold a boat in the Origami Regatta. Demonstrate your skill in following directions passed down from the Ancient Times and then launch your craft with every intention of blowing your fellow competitors out of the water. Warning: wet water will be used.

Judges: Mary Lovin and Barbara Schloman

Periodical Ping Pong

Venue: The Serial Black Hole (Reference Conference Room, 161 Library)

Description: It was just a matter of time after they started playing volleyball in the sand that some sports enthusiast would take it to the next dimensions and create periodical ping pong. Yes, that's right, no paddles -- but a bound journal! Of special meaning, perhaps, for those who have had it up to here with journal inflation.

Judges: Cindy Kristof and Raida Bahhur

Friday, Sept.22

Pennant Stair Sprint

Venue: Olympic Stairdome (the back northeast stairway next to the May 4th room)

Description: Demonstrate your aerobic capacity and manual dexterity at the same time! In this event, it is not enough to get a good start off the blocks. Olympians will endeavor to do stairs and collect/assemble their pennant within the allotted time.

Judges: Kay Dennis and Michelle Kocher

Periodical Ping Pong (continued)

Venue: The Serial Black Hole (Reference Conference Room, 161 Library)

The Run-Around

Venue: The Gold Coast (Circulation Desk)

Description: The Run-Around is a Scavenger Hunt for valuable items that will take teams over rough library terrain. Strap on your Firestone Wilderness ATs and prepare for an overland adventure. This event is designed for those who see difficulties as "opportunities with another name"!

Judges: Bob Gray and Carolyn Radcliff

Week 2

Monday, Sept.25

Rubberband Archery

Venue: Emeriti Range (Room 122)

Description: Deer hunters may have an edge on this one. Athletes shoot rubberbands to knock over standing CD-ROMs (in their cases).

Judges: Lynn Papenfus & Diane May

Tae Kwan Do Klick

Venue: Mat Room (Reference Conference Room)

Description: Ever been told to get the "lead out of your pants"? Well, this time the focus is on making the necessary moves to click the lead from a mechanical pencil within the allotted timeframe. Bound to be a popular event for those who harbor a bit of nostalgia for the Paper and Pencil Age.

Judges: Michelle Kocher & Kay Dennis

Tuesday, Sept.26

Book Balance Beam

Venue: The Gymnasium on Ayers Rock (Special Collections' Reading Room, 1212 Library)

Description: It is pretty darn obvious that there is alot of experience among staff in walking a thin line. This is a chance to put that hard-earned experience to use and dazzle the competition. With our direct line to Coach Bella Karoli, there's the possibility this could lead to something even bigger. Although only women will complete in the balance beam competition in Sydney, the Office Olympics 2000 Book Balance Beam competition will be open to anyone who has enough gumption to sign up.

Judges: Kate Medicus, Jeanne Somers, Nancy Birk, Maggie Castllani

Bowling-Ball Build-o-Rama

Venue: The Shop (Systems, Room 383)

Description: A timed event of skill, luck and maybe some cunning. Competitors will race to an appointed container, select and retrieve the appropriate cables and peripherals, and rush to assemble and successfully power-up their competitive PC. It is said that the term "bowling-ball" has a history with the natives in the systems area -- some affectionate term for a PC on the bottom rung of the technology ladder..... To Register: Just show up in Library Room 383.

Judges: Anyone from the Systems Staff that showed up. [Due to rumors of potential bribery, there was extra security and extra IOC Officials on hand for this event.]

Wednesday, Sept.27

Jackaroo Jiggler Relay

Venue: The Outback (aka Field of Dreams, east side of Library)

Description: You may be an accomplished adult, but your childhood experiences could give you the competitive edge in this event. If you can imagine the sensory pleasure of combining the taste of JELL-O, the thrill of teamwork, and the beauty of the great Outback, this is the event for you. The picture this paints is already unforgettable.

Judges: Leela Balraj & Joy Leavy

Paperwad Basketball

Venue: Opera House Green Room (staff lounge in 370; back-up location: 019)

Description: Just how high can you jump? Demonstrate why you should be earning $25 million per year. Wheaties officials are expected to be scouting for a new face for their box. Medalists based on number of hoops sunk.

Judges: Kara Robinson


Wrestling from Thunderdome

Venue: N/A

Description: This event is sure to weed out the tough from the talkers. Pump up and join in on the competition!

Judges: Tom Warren

Thursday, Sept.28

Closing Medal Ceremony