Opening Ceremony
Location: Hall of Athletes (Quiet Study )
Highland Fling Diskus Throw (Triathlon event)
Venue: Field of Dreams (between Cunningham and Library)
Description: This event offers a trip down Memory Lane for those who are old enough to remember the 5.25" diskus as standard equipment. Cyber-archaeologists have made available unearthed disks to challenge the athletes of this Olympiad to compete as in the days of olde. Due to unexpected modifications to the playing field, it will no longer be sufficient for the athlete to go for distance. To win, it will be necessary to apply skill and judgment and assess prevailing winds.
Judges: Keeper of the Disks Tom Warren and staff
Cheerio Old Chap Cable Coiling
Venue: Field of Dreams (between Cunningham and Library) ----------->Changed to Cable Corridor (3rd floor hallway)
Description: This is a timed event.The athlete who can coil the 50-foot length of coax (the stiff kind, you can't wrap this around your elbow) in the shortest time is the winner. There is a secret to this, but the event judges from Teleproductions are not talking.
Judges: Teleproductions
Stones of Stonehenge [Book Relay] **Team Event**
Venue: Reference Shire (Reference Center, 1st floor)
Description: How did the ancients manage to build the Stonehenge monument? Through teamwork, that's how. Join in on this event with your colleague to demonstrate teamwork lives! Team member #1 will balance on one hand a stack of 4 book dummies and walk/run a lap to the end of the reference shelving unit and back. There, the stack is handed off to team member #2, adding two additional pieces to the stack. This relay is repeated. The team who has the most books in their stack (after completing a “lap” or length of reference shelving) after 30 seconds without dropping any wins. Winners will be determined by the overall number of books successfully carried down the reference shelving unit and completed laps.
Judges: Edith Scarletto, Vanessa Earp
Dustbin Ball [Paperwad Basketball] (Triathlon Event)
Venue: The Scullery (Room 152) ----------> CHANGE: Room 334
Description: Spend a lot of time in your office tossing paperwads into the trash? Now is your chance to showcase those skills and maybe end up with gold and a shoe named for you. Compete against the clock to see how many paperwads you can sink in one minute. Apply strategy to your shot selection -- go for the 25-point paperwads first, or play it safe with the 1-point paperwads. Medalists based on number of hoops sunk.
Judges: Kara Robinson et al
Wimbledon Ping Pong (Day 3, finals) 
Venue: Pong Common (Speak Easy, 2d floor)
Jubilee Flyover Paper Airplane Throw 
RAF Field (3rd floor hallway)
Athletes will construct a paper airplane within a designated time, using the Official Sheet of Paper. Planes must be constructed following conventional aerodynamic design. Judges will be on the alert for anyone attempting to think outside of the box.
Judges: Reference & Instructional Services Tarmac Crew
Prince of Wales Weeding Workout
Venue: Royal Sweatshop (Room 370, Technical Services)
Description: In this individual (not team), timed event with four stations, athletes will retrieve items to be weeded and follow instructions to either recycle or box them for shipment. Athletes will then toss bags into a hamper and race it along a predetermined course to the finish line. This is a timed event.
Judges: Five August Technical Services judges: Two Keepers of Tyme; Two Judges A-Reshelving, One Mega Judge
Wimbledon Ping Pong (Day 1) 
Venue: Pong Common (Speak Easy, 2d floor)
Description: It was just a matter of time after they started playing volleyball in the sand that some sports enthusiast would take it to the next dimensions and create periodical ping pong. Yes, that's right, no paddles -- but a withdrawn current or bound journal! Of special meaning, perhaps, for those who have had it up to here with journal inflation.
Judges: Tony Snyder
Royal Arms Archery [Rubberband Archery] (Triathlon Event)
Venue: Robin Hood Arms (Room 152) ----------> CHANGE: Speak Easy (2d floor)
Britannia LC Shuffle [Shelving Test]
Venue: British Lending Library (Circulation backroom)
Chimney Sweep Shuffleboard
Venue: Ye Olde Copier Graveyard (old A/V area by the Budget Office, 3rd floor) -- this is a venue change
Enigma [Word Challenge]
Venue: Bletchley Park (333 Classroom)
Description: Give your motor skills a rest, this is all about brain power. Athletes will unscramble letters to form Kent State-related words. Will your lexicographer talents and Flash power propel you to the medal stand?
Judges: Systems
Crumpet Crawl [Donut Dash] **Team Event** 
Venue: Field of Dreams (between Cunningham and Library) ------->CHANGE: Basement Hallway!!
Description: Teams of two - first person runs through obstacle course with a donut on a spoon. Teammate eats said donut sans hands. Repeat, with teammates trading places. You may be good, but practice could give you the competitive edge.
Judges: Anita Clary, Pam Lemmons, Mary Lovin
Abbey Road Cross Walk [Balance Beam]
Venue: The Eight Track (334 Classroom)
Description: Can you walk the walk--and do it with a sense of poise, drama, and of course, balance! Here's your chance to demonstrate your ability to master the beam with grace and precision. Athletes will walk a balance beam, performing their own routines, while holding or balancing at least one book.
Judges: University Press
Wimbledon Ping Pong (Day 2) 
Venue: Pong Common (Speak Easy, 2d floor)
Cliffs of Dover Diving [Paperclip Drop]
Venue: Olympic Pool (Garden side of Library)
Step-in-Time Stair Marathon 
Venue: Olympic Stairdome (back stairs by May 4 Room)
Great Tower of London Race **Team Event** 
Venue: Basement Dungeon to 12th floor Tower Keep