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Office Olympics 2024

The logo for the 2024 Kent State University Libraries Office Olympics "We'll always have Paris" games. Blue circle-shaped passport-style stamp with a black squirrel climbing the eiffel tower and wearing a red beret.Calling all Office Olympians!

2024 marks the 8th Summer Office Olympics event sponsored by University Libraries.

If you have not experienced UL's Office Olympics, visit the 2021 Olympics page to see highlights from The New (Ab)Normal Games.

Important Dates

  • Opening Ceremony: Monday, July 29, 11:30 a.m. in the 1st floor Harrick Garden Room, University Library*
  • Series of Games: Monday, July 29 through Friday, August 2 (game dates subject to change)*
  • Closing ceremony and awarding of the medals: Thursday, August 8, 12:15 p.m. in the 1st floor Harrick Garden Room, University Library*

Stay tuned for the full list of activities. Venues can be located throughout the University Library and its nearby territories on the Kent campus.


Eligible athletes include:

  • All employees, retirees, and volunteers of Kent State University Libraries (at all locations and campuses)
  • Everyone who works or volunteers in the University Library Building on the Kent campus
  • Children and other special young people of eligible athletes (grandchildren, nephews, nieces, etc., etc.)

Get Involved

Event Proposal Form - Have an idea for a new or legacy competition? This spreadsheet is for OO '24 events, coordinators, and volunteers. Volunteers may sign up to lead or assist with traditional events, and new events may be proposed!

Do you have the desire to be a part of this long-standing Kent State University Libraries tradition and help shape the next Games? Contact us at to be connected to the Office Olympics Planning Committee.


*Times and dates are subject to change