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Qualtrics Tutorials: Sharing & Collaborating on Surveys

Give another user access to a Qualtrics survey in your account.

Give Another User Access to Your Survey

To give others access to a survey in your Qualtrics account:

  1. Log into your Kent State Qualtrics account.
  2. On your home page or in your Projects section, locate the survey you want to share. Click the dropdown menu associated with that survey project (on the far right), then click Collaborate.

  3. The "Collaborate on Project" window will open.

    The upper left corner of the Collaborate on Project window shows the name of the survey (blurred out in this screenshot) and a text entry box to look up Kent State users.

    In the "Type Username or Email" box, you can begin typing the individual's first name, last name, or FlashLine username; Qualtrics will look up their account. As long as the individual has logged into their Kent State Qualtrics account at least once, they will be detected in this directory. (Note: First and last names are determined by the person's name in Banner/FlashLine, so individuals who normally go by a nickname or alternate name may be easier to search by their last name.) After you have found the individual, click Add.

  4. The person's name will now appear in the window. By default, the individual will have full permissions to edit, activate, copy, and distribute the survey, as well as permissions to view and download the survey data and reports. You can restrict these permissions by unchecking the appropriate box(es) for that user.

    Edit: Ability to add, remove, or change questions on a survey
    View Reports: Ability to view, access, or download the survey data or summary reports of the results
    Activate/Deactivate: Ability to make a survey "live" (open to receive responses from users) or "closed"
    Copy: Allows collaborator to create a copy of the survey in their own account (the copy is not connected to the original in any way)
    Distribute: Ability to use the email distribution feature within Qualtrics to send the survey to respondents

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each user who needs access to the survey.
  6. When finished, click Save.

Only the survey owner can share the survey with others.

Faculty and staff members with student employees: Frequently, faculty or staff members will want to have a student employee or graduate assistant set up a survey in Qualtrics for them. If you need long-term access to the data from that survey (e.g. a feedback survey for an annual event or a major research survey), we recommend that you first create the survey in your own account, and then give the student shared access to edit that survey. This way, you will retain control over the survey and the data after the student graduates.

Note: This tutorial was written and tested in the Kent State Qualtrics system, but should also apply to other academic institutions with Qualtrics subscriptions. Contact your institution's Qualtrics admin for more information.

Last updated: April 2024