If you are doing survey research with human subjects, you will need to obtain explicit consent from your participants before you can administer the survey. This is true whether the survey is electronic or on paper.
In Qualtrics, the general survey flow for creating an informed consent statement is:
There are several ways this survey logic can be implemented in Qualtrics, depending on the survey structure and the researcher's needs. Here, we will show how to set up this survey flow using skip logic or branch logic.
This method uses Skip Logic to direct users to the end of the survey if they disagree with the informed consent question. This method will work for researchers who will only have one ending outcome at the end of their survey. That is, users who consent to the survey will have the same end-of-survey outcome as users who do not consent to the survey.
Click Add Skip Logic. In the Skip Logic window, change the settings to “Skip from this question to End of Survey if I disagree Is Selected”. Then click Confirm.
If successful, you will see the skip logic definition displayed by the question text. You can edit the skip logic setup by mousing over the "Skip to" element, then clicking the "..." icon that appears.
The informed consent statement is now complete. Make sure to test the logic in Preview Mode to verify that it is working properly.
This procedure uses branch logic to direct users who do not consent to the end of the survey, while sending users who do consent to the survey to the first page of questions. This method has the benefit of allowing for different end-of-survey outcomes depending on whether or not the user consented to the survey.
The informed consent statement is now complete. Make sure to test the logic in Preview Survey to verify that it is working properly.