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Emerging Media & Technology (Digital Sciences) Research Guide: Research & Writing Resources

Writing Commons

Writing Commons @ KSU

The writing commons is located on the 4th Floor in the Library. Here, students can get help with any writing related questions. Sessions typically last 30-45 minutes depending on the goals the student has for the session; these may include editing your paper for clarity and language related issues such as spelling and grammar.  Students can schedule an in-person appointment, online writing lab appointment or an online Google Chat appointment. Please visit the link above for more information and resources at the Writing Commons.

Annotated Bibliographies

The following links provide information on annotated bibliographies- definitions, components as well as samples. They are taken from Kent State University Libraries website as well other credible sources such as other writing centers from other Universities and Colleges.


Caution: Do not use a commercial website that offers to write your annotated bibliography for a fee.

Kent State University-

Purdue University-

Cornell University-

Skidmore University-

Ashford University-

University of Southern California-

University of Wisconsin-

Easy Bib


University of North Carolina-

Utah Valley University-

On Google advanced search:

Click on images on your result screen

Research Papers

Research Proposal

Dissertations & Theses

Literature Reviews

Refer to the Kent State University Libguide- How to do a Literature Review:

This guide explains and shows a range of resources and steps for developing, managing, and completing literature reviews. Different kinds of literature reviews are completed for a variety of projects including class papers, articles, grants, theses, and dissertations.

The following topics are covered:


More Resources on how to write a literature Review: