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Getting Started with Systematic Reviews: SR types, methods, examples

Types of Systematic Review, Knowledge Synthesis, and Research Synthesis are evolving.

"Today, new forms of reviews are appearing. These have emerged in response to policymakers and other stakeholders’ needs for information, sometimes emergently or urgently, for which the existing systematic review model does not quite fit....We expect this process of evolution to continue and to refine the methods such that in 10 years’ time, there will appear new, as yet unimagined species of reviews—and perhaps some current species of review will become extinct. Thus, it is with the scientific method, which we believe is the foundation that unites the Family of systematic reviews."

From Moher, D., Stewart, L., & Shekelle, P. (2015). All in the Family: systematic reviews, rapid reviews, scoping reviews, realist reviews, and more. Systematic Reviews, 4.


Discussions of systematic review types, designs and methods