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Computer Search Report Checklist (CSRC): Reproducibility - Factors

Factors Impacting Reproducibility of Computer Searches

We propose that the reproducibility of electronic searches is dependent on the five factors listed below. As these are increasingly in place, the likelihood becomes stronger for actually reproducing the electronic search strategy. In other words, the reproducibility of the electronic search is enhanced. 

  1. Of course to reproduce electronic searches, the same resources would have to be used (e.g., PsycINFO). Also, the content and searching mechanisms or functions of the electronic resources would have to be the same.  That is, even if new content were added to a electronic resource, the original content would still be included and discoverable using the reported electronic search steps.
  2. SR researchers need to monitor, and fully and accurately document all electronic search decisions and steps.
  3. A sufficiently detailed record of the electronic search steps must be provided in an electronic search report that others can use. The details that need to be included in a report will vary depending on the resources and actual searches run. Also, details will range from those required for any search (e.g., name of resource used, and search terms used) to those used for more advanced electronic searches (e.g., adjacency searching, or truncation). Importantly, the functions available for automatically recording and creating a report of the searches run will also vary with resources used.
  4. Readers need the knowledge and skills to be able to use the electronic search report. 
  5. Readers need access to the specified electronic resources.

These factors adapted from a listed developed during research in 2014.