Google Earth in conjunction with Google Maps allows users to use an existing basemap and add their own placemarks, create paths or routes, and share that information with others via a link. Google Earth is a downloaded program, with a free version. Google Maps is an free online service that only requires a free Google account. See my example map for KSU Branch Libraries.
If you have large numbers of addresses or locations to add to Google Earth or Google Maps, use BatchGeocode to create the kml file. It uses a spreadsheet template that converts your addresses to latitude and longitude. These will be converted to a kml file which can be uploaded to create large numbers of placemarks. BatchGeocode will only convert 500 entries at a time.
ESRI ArcGIS Virtual Campus courses are free to the Kent State University community. Use the Request Software link to request course codes or contact Edith Scarletto, for more information.
The following tutorials have been selected as quality introductions to GIS created by other entities.They have been selected by the librarian.