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Community Health Nursing

Social Determinants of Health

Why do this Community Nursing Assessment?

What is the relationship between the social environment of a community and its health?

Acknowledging that the social environment influences population health, the Healthy People 2030 initiative includes a focus on the Social Determinants of Health:

  • Economic Stability
  • Education Access and Quality
  • Health Care Access and Quality
  • Neighborhood and Built Environment
  • Social and Community Context

How can you as a nurse help create social and physical environments that promote good health for all?

General Reference Sources

Health, United States

Core reference source for government-compiled health statistics. Provides trend tables that are updated as new data becomes available.

Healthy People 2030

This presents the next 10-year agenda for improving the Nation's health. It identifies nearly 600 objectives with 1,200 measures to improve the health of all Americans. Use the Data Sources and Methods page to locate data related to the objectives.

QUAD Council Competencies

"The community health nursing course  is designed to meet the  Community Health Nursing Competencies established by the  Quad Council (ACHNE is one of its affiliate organizations) .. Students work in groups to collect community assessment data; analyze the data to determine the strengths and/or needs of an assigned geopolitical community; develop a Community Nursing Diagnosis; identify outcomes; and develop and evaluate a  real-time program."

   - Professor Nancy Jones

Click here to view the Quad Council Community Health Nursing Competencies.