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PowerPoint and Prezi Tutorials: Creating posters in PowerPoint

Creating a research poster

research poster design exampleFrom scratch

Need to present your research on a poster? Consider using PowerPoint. It is more universal than other programs such as Microsoft Publisher. It also works well with other Microsoft products that you may already be using in your research process (ex. Word, Excel).

To set up your poster:

  1. Open a new, blank presentation

  2. Click on the Design Tab, then Page Setup, or Slide Size (depending on your version of PowerPoint). (On a Mac: File menu, then Page Setup.)

  3. Change the dimensions to your desired poster size (ex. 56" wide by 36" high). Note: Check with the conference or symposium where you will be presenting your poster for their specifications on dimensions and/or allotted space. (ex. if presenting at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, your poster will need to be either 48" wide by 36" high for horizontal orientation or 36" wide by 48" high for vertical format)

  4. Copy/paste your text and charts into this slide and resize as needed.

Need more assistance?

See below for links to tips and tutorials on poster creation.

Kent State materials

Generic poster templates

Free stock images

Color inspiration

Poster printing services