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Discover Special Collections in KentLINK: Home

This guide can help you get started discovering materials in the University Library's Special Collections and Archives that are listed in the online library catalog, KentLINK

What you can find in KentLINK, the library's online catalog

cover of the 1971 Kent State yearbook, The Chestnut Burr

Kent State University History

Search KentLINK to find books and periodicals documenting the history of Kent State University

Jane Austen's Emma, 1816 edition

British & American Literature

You can locate books and periodicals in this area of collection strength using KentLINK

Hart Crane's poem The Bridge published in scroll format in 2017

American Poets

KentLINK includes books and journals by and about American poets

scan of page 1 of anti-slavery tract

Local History

Books, periodicals, and atlases about local history and the history of Ohio

Set of books decorated with fore-edge paintings

Historical Bindings & Decorated Books

Books in Special Collections & Archives with historical or decorated bindings are tagged in KentLINK

photo of group of books about the performing arts

Performing Arts

The strong collection of books and journals documenting the history of the performing arts can be explored in KentLINK

The Nuremberg Chronicle published in 1472

History of the Book

Students can explore this interdisciplinary topic by discovering examples in KentLINK

19th century illustration by Kate Greenaway

Children's Literature

KentLINK searches will uncover books and periodicals for students studying the history of children's literature

image of Truman Capote's book, In Cold Blood

True Crime

A major collecting area for Special Collections & Archives, books and journals about the history of crime can be found in KentLINK

What are "special collections" ?

Special Collections & Archives, Kent State University Libraries

This Kent campus department of University Libraries provides access to a wide range of resources. There is no one definition that fits all the materials housed here, but they typically share these characteristics:

  • unique and rare materials
  • primary sources
  • special formats
  • historical or fragile items
  • comprehensive collection on a topic
  • manuscripts and archival materials
  • books and periodicals

Two discovery tools

To explore the resources within this wide array of materials:

Tool #1:  Special Collections & Archives website

  • For manuscripts and archives
  • Our website can help you with searching and browsing

Tool #2:  KentLINK Library catalog

  • For books and periodicals
  • Go to the next page in this guide for KentLINK searching tips

We are here to HELP

​Our dedicated public services staff provides assistance with discovering and accessing materials in Special Collections and Archives. These services range from quick questions to long-term, in-depth research assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: Special Collections & Archives is offering in-person services BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (no walk-in hours). Please contact us to discuss how we can best serve you.

We are here to help!