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Informed Transitions: High School Outreach Program: Plan Your Visit

Scheduling Guidelines

  • Please request your visit at least two weeks in advance (the sooner the better to secure room availability). Contact Tammy Voelker at
  • Keep in mind that visits are difficult to schedule during peak instructional periods of each semester, both because of classroom availability and KSU librarian schedules. We will do our best to accommodate preferred visit dates, but please be prepared to be flexible if needed.
  • At least one high school librarian or teacher must accompany students.
  • Preferred group size is 25 or fewer per visit. This is due to the small size and limited number of library classrooms. In some cases groups of 50 can be accommodated if multiple classrooms can be secured. Larger groups can be spread out over multiple days.
  • Teachers: please consult with your high school librarian before visiting. Your high school librarian can be helpful in supporting your students prior to and after your visit. Encourage your high school librarian to contact us.
  • Please be prepared to share and discuss your students' research assignment with a KSU librarian prior to your visit. If you don't have an assignment, KSU librarians will be happy to collaborate with you in developing a lesson plan for your visit. A consultation with a KSU librarian is mandatory prior to your visit.
  • Do you wish to have students check out materials? Please review our borrowing policies for high schools at the tab above.
  • Students may save PDFs and other forms of full text to their Google drive if they have one. Alternatively,  students could bring a flashdrive for saving full text and for scanning to file. Printing and photocopying is available in the building using the Flashcash system. Free scanners (to PDF or jpeg) are also available in the building.

Library Instruction

Prior to your visit a KSU librarian will consult with you regarding the instructional objectives of your visit. We recommend one of the two following approaches:

Based on your Assignment: We will tailor our instruction to the needs of your research assignment. The instruction will speak to both the immediate needs of students and the transition needs of students considering attending college in the near future.  

College Transition Assignment: We recommend this approach if you do not have an assignment currently. We will provide a lesson plan aimed at orienting students to academic libraries and preparing them for a successful transition to college. A short assignment will be given to students to complete during their visit.