Wellness Room (Room 221)
This space is intended for short retreats from studying, working, and other challenges of day-to-day life. Use the space to participate in wellness activities, including but not limited to, meditation, yoga, prayer, stretching exercises, relaxation breaks, breathing exercises, and/or mindfulness activities. Regardless of the activity, you are encouraged to relax, engage in quiet contemplation, use the time to clear your mind and de-stress.
Guidelines for use
This room is NOT intended for studying or group meetings.
- Furniture must remain in the room and no additional items are to be moved into the room.
- Food and beverages (other than water) are prohibited.
- Keep noise to a minimum. Silence cell phones upon entering. Use headphones or earbuds to listen to music. No loud music is permitted.
- Considering powering off or at the very least putting away your electronic devices.
- Candles, burning oils, incense or any other flammable items are not permitted.
- Please leave the room in the same condition as it was prior to use.
To schedule the 2nd Floor Wellness Room for Individuals in the Main Library:
Use LibCal to schedule your room and time.
To use the room, check out the key at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor.
- The room may be checked out for one hour.
- Room can be reserved in advance or is otherwise first come first served.