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Finding Online Map Resources: Working with Online Imagery & Data

Using GIMS files in ArcGIS Basic/Advanced

Shapefiles can be added directly to ArcGIS. E00 files will need to be converted.

To convert the e00 file using ArcGIS 10.1 to a Coverage file:

1. Download the e00 file and extract it using the self extractor into a folder.

2. Open ArcToolbox

3. Select Conversion Tools

4. Select To Coverage

5. Select Import from E00

6. Navigate to the folder where the E00 file was extracted.

You can create and name a new file at this point for the Conversion file.





Adding the Coverage File

Add the new Coverage file

Open ArcGIS

1. Use the Add Data button or select Add Data from the File menu

2. Navigate the catalog to the folder that contains the Coverage files

(It should contain at least 2 files, one named Info, and one with your file name with a 0 at the end).

3. Select the folder for the coverage file.

It will have a familiar Arc icon showing both points and line files.