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Black Lives Matter: Anti-Racism Task Force @KSU

Anti-Racism Task Force @ Kent State



The Purpose The purpose of the Anti-Racism Task Force (ARTF) is to examine the ways that racism, particularly anti-Black racism, exist and persist at Kent State University. (ARTF Website)

Find more information on the Anti-racism Taskforce on the ARTF Website. Resources for use by each committee are listed under each committee below.

Mental Health and Well being search committee

Counseling and Psychological Services- DeWeese Health Center

Support Groups

Student Mental Heath Coalition

Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Association of American Colleges and Universities ( Truth , Racial Healing and Transformation)

Community and National Resources


Ourselves, Black: Information about mental health promotion and positive coping as well as resources related to mental illness and treatment. Ourselves, Black provides relevant, current, and engaging mental health content and stories specifically routed in communities of color. 

Therapy for Black Girls: Therapy for Black Girls is an online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls. You can follow TBG through their podcast and private community Facebook support group. They also provide a directory to connect women with culturally competent therapists. TBG holds free group support sessions weekly on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. EST.

Inclusive Therapists: The Inclusive Therapists database provides therapists with training for racial trauma and connects people of all identities, abilities, and bodies with culturally sensitive caregivers.

Mental Health First Aid: Supporting the Black Community as a Mental Aid First Aider

Talkspace Support Group: Free therapist-led support group for coping with racial trauma
Sister Afya Online Sister Support Group: Support group for learning from other women and learning life skills to improve mental well-being ($10/session fee but can contact if fee is prohibitive)
Ethel’s Club: Paid membership-based virtual community with classes, live events and wellness resources for promoting well-being in people of color 
Mustard  Seed Generation: Mental Health support for the Korean American Community
South Asian Mental Health Initiative and Network: Resources dedicated to the mental health needs of the South Asian Community in the United States.
Self- care Resources
Jean, T. (2020). A Call to Revitalize Mental Health Wellness Practices for Black, Indigenous, & College Students of Color. PDF

Neal-Burnett, A. (Kent State Professor) (2020, June 10). How organizations can support the mental health of Black employees. (Article in the Harvard Business Review)


The Real Campus Mental-Health Crisis and New Models for Well-Being: Manage demand for counseling and stem students’ rising rates of distress by focusing on prevention.

The prevalence of anxiety and depression is rising across the country, particularly among young people. College students of all ages are more distressed than ever before, and increasing shares are enrolling with mental-health histories, in terms of diagnoses, treatment, and medication. But that is not the real campus mental-health crisis. The crisis is that the traditional model of providing services is broken. More and more overwhelmed students are seeking help, overwhelming their colleges. Even with growing staffs, counseling centers cannot keep up. Meanwhile, troubled students are left with unmet needs.

This Chronicle report explores how to handle the surging demand for mental-health services, fulfill legal obligations, and make well-being a campus-wide priority. The work of identifying problems and offering help can’t fall solely to the counseling center. The report shows how centers can expedite the intake process while expanding and clarifying options like teletherapy. And it examines how new facilities and resources — like meditation rooms, workshops, apps, and courses — can help students deal with underlying issues from loneliness to trauma, and to build resilience. Not all moves are costly. And providing that support creates the kind of environment where a diverse population of students can succeed, academically and otherwise.

Get the report and learn how to:

  • Handle demand for counseling and get more students the help they need
  • Identify options beyond individual therapy to suit different populations
  • Interpret key legal issues related to mental illness and suicide
  • Evaluate new resources to help students deal with common stressors
  • Make students’ well-being a priority across the institution