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Welcome to the Performing Arts Library course page for MUS 42261/52261: Opera Literature with instructor Dr. Jane Dressler. This page contains links to online sound recordings that are required listening. Sign-in required from off-campus. If encountering difficulties listening to audio tracks, update to the latest version of your Internet browser (click here for more troubleshooting ideas).
You may also listen to playlists of required listening on your mobile device using the Naxos Music Library App (to download App search Google Play or iTunes App store for "Naxos Music Library"). Visit the Listen to Music Online guide for more details on logging into the mobile app. All works are available in the Naxos App, except for Menotti's The Consul (to listen to this recording use the link below).
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ATTN FIREFOX USERS: Naxos Music Library is currently experiencing technical problems associated with Firefox browsers. So, please either use a different browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer) to listen to the recordings on this page, switch to the "Old Player" instead of the default "HTML5 Player" screen (step-by-step instructions), or access recordings using the playlist hosted in Naxos Music Library.
Sign-in required to listen to recordings commercial free from off campus.