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Resources for Distance Education Music Majors: Searching Multiple Ebsco Databases at Once

  1. Begin your search by opening one of the Ebsco databases in your discipline. [Example: Click to open Music Index (Sign-in required from off-campus)].
  2. Then, click “Choose Databases.” This will allow you to search all the Ebsco databases related to your subject at one time rather than repeating your searches separately in each database!
    Location of choose databases option on search page
  3. Place a check by all of the databases you’d like to search, then choose “ok.”
    EbscoHost database options
  4. Then enter your terms and conduct your search. Ebsco has a good “help” section with even more tips & tricks if you want to improve your search skills (the link is located in the upper-right corner of the interface).


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