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The Performing Arts Library is located at D-004 in the Center for the Performing Arts. Find more information about our hours.
Below are general call number ranges. For a more detailed classification outline, consult the Library of Congress Classification page. For tips on searching for music items in KentLINK, consult the Finding Library Items guide.
GV1597 | dance as a profession |
HF5382 | job descriptions |
PN1580 | performing arts as a profession |
PN2053 | theater management, administration, production, and direction |
PN2055 | acting as a profession |
PN2071.A92 | auditioning |
PN2074 | theater as a profession |
To find material on a specific topic, type in one of these subject headings to get a list of relevant titles. Access KentLINK subject heading search at
required from off-campus.