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POL 40589: Constitutional Law in The United Kingdom

Course Textbooks

These are the course textbooks for this course. These are held at the course reserves and can be accessed by going to the 1st Floor Desk of the University Libraries.  These books you are able to check out for 2 hours at a time.  Please feel free to use the document scanners on the first floor of the library to scan readings for personal use.  

Relevant Article Databases

In collaboration with Dr. Banks, I have developed this research guide to offer a curated selection of scholarly books on the United Kingdom’s Constitution. Academic books provide comprehensive overviews of key topics, while academic articles offer in-depth analyses of specific issues. Legal scholars, political scientists, and other interdisciplinary experts regularly publish journal articles contributing to and advancing the scholarly conversation and interpretations of the UK Constitution.

Below are some suggested article databases to explore: 

International Political Science Abstracts:

This database specializes in peer-reviewed scholarly articles addressing political science research in global or comparative contexts, with a curated focus on regions outside the United States.

Political Science Complete:

This is a database full of hundreds of peer-reviewed political science journals and book covering just about any research area within political science. Coverage for this database is focused on both Amercan and international political science scholarship.    

Legal Collection

This database is full of law review articles. Although law reviews are not considered peer-reviewed, they are still highly scholarly. Law review articles will explore legal issues that are impacted by law and public policy.