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The Performing Arts Library is located at D-004 in the Center for the Performing Arts. Find more information about our hours.
Office: Performing Arts Library (Center for the Performing Arts, Room D-004)
Who are you a personal librarian/subject liaison for?
I serve as a personal librarian for music, theatre, and dance.
Where did you go to school?
My undergraduate degree (BA in Music) is from the University of Utah, and I have an MA in Library Science from the University of Arizona and an MA in Ethnomusicology from Arizona State University. Go Pac 12!
Two rescue mutts who are very scrappy.
You might be surprised to know...
I survived as a professional musician for over a decade.
What advice would you give to incoming Kent State Students?
Begin your research early, and consistent study is much better than cramming.
What about advice for their parents?
Check in with your students, and remind them that Kent State librarians are here to help them succeed!
What do you think is the biggest benefit of the Personal Librarian Program?
Students know that a personal librarian with the subject expertise they need is available to them.
What is your favorite Library Resource?
Oxford Music Online, as it includes the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, along with other Grove Dictionaries.
What does an average day look like in your position?
I have university and unit meetings, order items for the collection, help students locate resources, and host an event like the Open Mic Lunch.