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Vet Tech: Books

Exotic Pet Care

Much of the information you'll need can be found in e-books like the title below. 

Manual of exotic pet practice / by Mark A. Mitchell, Thomas N. Tully Jr.



Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Pets, Second Edition

Ophthalmology of exotic pets / David L. Williams.



ebooks are the same books you would find in print, but better. Instant access and searchability make ebooks an easy choice.

ebooks can be located through the OhioLINK ebook page or via KentLINK. (Note: access via KentLINK catalog can require additional information)

To find ebooks via OhioLINK click the box below to visit OhioLINK's ebook page.

Search "Scholarly & Reference" for general searching

Search "American & English Literature" for literary works

Search "Other EBC collections" to locate the following:

Oxford Reference (reference and subject specific encyclopedias)

Safari ebooks (technology and computers)

Wiley online (scholarly resources)

NetLibrary/EBSCO ebooks (general and scholarly)

Humanities e-book (language, literature, social sciences)


You can access books (and articles!) through the new Discovery@Kent State search feature. Just type in the title you are looking in the search box. Or, click KentLink under research tools to go directly to the KentLink Catalog. Be sure to note whether the book is located here at the Tuscarawas Campus or at one of the other KentLINK campuses. If your book is available from a KentLINK library other than Tuscarawas please allow time for delivery. There are also many titles available for instant access as e-books. These books are viewable online and are considered a print resource. 

What is OhioLINK?

Go to the

OhioLINK catalog.

The Ohio Library and Information Network, OhioLINK, is a consortium of 88 Ohio college and university libraries, and the State Library of Ohio, that work together to provide Ohio students, faculty and researchers with the information they need for teaching and research.

Together, OhioLINK and its member libraries provide access to:

  • 48 million books and other library materials
  • Millions of electronic articles
  • 12,000 electronic journals
  • 140 electronic research databases
  • 55,000 e-books
  • Thousands of images, videos and sounds
  • 19,500 theses and dissertations from Ohio students

See more information at OhioLINK's webpage.