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Systematic Review Methods (SRM) for the Humanities: SRM in Bioethics

Systematic Review Methods in Bioethics - papers that provide an example of SRM in one area of philosophy

  • Christenhusz, G. M., Devriendt, K., & Dierickx, K. (2013). To tell or not to tell? A systematic review of ethical reflections on incidental findings arising in genetics contexts. European Journal Of Human Genetics: EJHG, 21(3), 248–255.
  • McCullough, L. B., Coverdale, J. H., & Chervenak, F. A. (2007). Constructing a systematic review for argument-based clinical ethics literature: The example of concealed medications. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 32(1), 65–76
  • McDougall, R. (2015). Reviewing literature in bioethics research: increasing rigour in non-systematic reviews. Bioethics, n/a–n/a.