Unable to find the play you’re looking for in KentLINK? Try searching OhioLINK and SearchOhio. Still no luck? Ask a Performing Arts Librarian for help.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find play scripts in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text plays available online.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find play scripts in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text plays available online.
The Library subscribes to a number of full text play collections. Additionally, some internet sites have classic plays freely available online.
required from off-campus.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find play scripts in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text plays available online.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find play scripts in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text plays available online.
Below are general call number ranges. For a more detailed classification outline, consult the Library of Congress Classification page. For tips on searching for music items in KentLINK, consult the Finding Library Items guide.
PA3024-PZ10 | theater (comprehensive range) |
PN6111-PZ10 | plays (comprehensive range) |
PR1245-1272 | period plays |
Z5781 | play indexes |
To find material on a specific topic, start a KentLINK Subject Search and type in one of these subject headings to get a list of relevant titles.
American drama
Childrens plays
Drama -- Collections
English drama
One-act plays
One-act plays, American
Use the tabs above for more tips to find play scripts in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text plays available online.
These sources can help you identify a play by subject or by cast size and other factors. Some of them also help you locate where plays are published in collected works and anthologies, which is common for short plays. Sign-in required from off-campus.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find play scripts in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text plays available online.
Most monologues collections are shelved in PN2080 for easy browsing or you may search online using these tips:
To further limit your search by add these keywords:
Unable to find the monologue you’re looking for in KentLINK? Try searching OhioLINK and SearchOhio. Still no luck? Ask a Performing Arts Librarian for help.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find monologues in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text monologues available online.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find monologues in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text monologues available online.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find monologues in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text monologues available online.
Below are general call number ranges. For a more detailed classification outline, consult the Library of Congress Classification page. For tips on searching for music items in KentLINK, consult the Finding Library Items guide.
PN2071.A92 | audition and monologue guides |
PN2080 | selections for practice (monologues) |
PN4290-4305 | dialogues and recitations |
PN4305.M6 | monologues |
PR2770-2771 | Shakespeare monologues |
Z5781 | monologue indexes |
To find material on a specific topic, start a KentLINK Subject Search and type in one of these terms to get a list of relevant titles
Acting -- Auditions
Dialogues -- Indexes
Drama -- Bibliography
Dramatic monologues
Men -- Drama
Monologues -- American
Monologues -- Bibliography
Monologues -- English
Monologues -- Indexes
Women -- Drama
Use the tabs above for more tips to find monologues in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text monologues available online.
Use the tabs above for more tips to find monologues in collections and anthologies, selected titles from our collection and full-text monologues available online.