Fraud and Corruption: Major Types, Prevention and Control, (with Maxmilian Edelbacher,Editors). Springer, 2018
Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization
( with Maxmilian Edelbacher,Editors). Springer, 2018).
Correctional Counseling and Treatment Springer, 6th edition, 2017
Collaborative Policing: Police, Academics and Professionals Working Together in Research, training, and Program Implemention (with Max Edelbacher, editors) CRC Press/ Taylor and Francis Group. 2016.
Corruption, Fraud, Organized Crime and the Shadow Economy.(with Max Edelbacher and Bojan Dobovsek, editors). CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group. 2016
Juvenile Justice Administration, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton,
Fla., 2012.
Financial Crimes: A Threat to Global Security (Editor) (with Maximillian Edelbacher
and Michael Theil) CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fla. 2012.
Juvenile Delinquency, 5th ed., (with Lucille D. Kratcoski). Chinese Edition.
People’s Republic of China: Pearson Education Asia Limited and China
Light Industry Press, 2009.
Police Education and Training in a Global Society (with Dilip K. Das) Lanham,
MD: Lexington Books, 2007.
Juvenile Delinquency, 5th edition, (with Lucille D. Kratcoski) Prospect Heights, Ill:,
Meeting the Challenges of Global Terrorism (editor with Dilip Das) Lanham, MD:
Lexington Books, 2003.
Correctional Counseling and Treatment, 5th edition, Prospect Heights, IL:
Waveland Press, 2004.
In Production
Juvenile delinquency (6th ed.) Co- Authors: Lucille Dunn Kratcoski & Peter C. Kratcoski. Springer, Tentative publication date- Fall- 2019)
Chapters in Books
Specialty Courts in Sage Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology, ( R. Morgan, Editor) Las Angeles, CA. (2019, pp. 1423-1428
Older Victims of Crime in Sage Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology, (R. Morgan, Editor) Las Angeles, CA (2019) pp. 1003-1005
Introduction: Overview of Major Types of Fraud and Corruption. In Fraud and Corruption: Major Types, Prevention and Control (Peter C. Kratcoski & Maxmilian Edelbacher, editors, Springer, 2018 pp;3-19.
Fraud and Corruption in Times of Disaster. In Fraud and Corruption: Major Types, Prevention and Control (Peter C. Kratcoski and Maxmilian Edelbacher, editors), Springer, 2018. PP: 139-157.
Fraud and Corruption in the Healthcare Sector in the United States. In Fraud and Corruption: Major Types, Prevention and Control. Peter C. Kratcoski & Max Edelbacher, editors) Springer, 2018. Pp: 109-124.
Perspectives on Fraud and Corruption in the Future ( with Maxmilian Edelbacher) In Fraud and Corruption: Major Types, Prevention and Control, Springer, 2018, pp: 277-294
Trends in the Types and Amount of Crimes Committed by the Elderly in the United States in Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization (Peter Kratcoski and Maxmilian Edelbacher, Editors) Springer, 2018: 5-24.
The Victim-Offender Relationship in the Criminal Victimization of the Elderly in Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization (Peter Kratcoski and Maxmilian Edelbacher, Editors. Springer,2018: 101-124.
Justice System Response to Elderly Criminality in Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization (Peter Kratcoski and Maxmilian Edelbacher, Editors, Springer, 2018: 197-224.
Summary: Older Criminals and Victims in Perspectives on Elderly Crime and Victimization (Peter Kratcoski and Maxmilian Edelbacher, Editors), Springer, 2018: 245-262.
Investigation of Insurance Fraud (with Maximilian Edelbacher) in The Detective Handbook edited by John A. Eterno and Cliff Roberson, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, 2015: 67-86.
The United States Legal System, ( with Blake M. Randol and Lauren M. Block in Trends
in the Judiciary, Volume Two, edited by David Lowe and Dilip Das, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, 2015: 197-200.
Sharron L. Kennedy, Ohio Supreme Court in Trends in the Judiciary, Volume Two, edited by David Lowe and Dilip K.Das CRC Press/ Taylor and Francis Group, 2015: 201-217.
Interview with Magistrate Friedrich Forsthuber, President of the Vienna Criminal
Court (with Maximilian Edelbacher) in Trends in the Judiciary, Volune One, edited
by Dilip K.das and Cliff Roberson, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca
Raton, 2015: 35-52.
Foreward in Christiaan Bezuidenhout, Child and Youth Misbehaviour in South Africa,
3rd ed. Hatfield: Pretoria, South Africa: Van Schaik Publishers: 2013.
Legislative and Programming Initiatives to Prevent and Control Financial Crimes
in the United States, Financial Crimes: A Threat to Global Security, CRC
Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fla.,2012: 373-390.
Financial Crimes: Past, Present and Future (with Maximillian Edelbacher and
Michael Theil ) in Financial Crimes: A Threat to Global Security, edited by M.
Edelbacher, P. Kratcoski and M.Theil, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla. 2012: 391-406.
Police Without Borders: An Overview in Police (with Lucille Dunn Kratcoski)
in Police Without Borders: The Fading Distinction Between Local and Global, Cliff
Roberson, Dilip K. Das and Jennie K. Singer eds. Boca Raton, CRC Press/Taylor
Francis Group, 2010: 1-26.
Papers Presented at Professional Meetings – More than 150 papers
presented at national and international meetings.
Recent Papers Presented:
Peter C. Kratcoski & Max Edelbacher “ Preparing for Employment in Criminal Justice”, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, March , 2019
Peter C. Kratcoski, Gilbert Norten and Maxmilian Edelbacher “ Pre-Service Experiential Education/Training for Criminal Justice.” International Police executive Symposium/ United Nations Symposium on Drugs and Crime , Vienna Austria,Aug.21, 2018.
Peter C. Kratcoski, “ Gerontological Criminology (Gero-Criminology ): Crime Policy and Legislation. Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, March 23, 2017
Peter C. Kratcoski and Maxmilian Edelbacher presented “ Collaboration of Academics and Practitioners in Research: Training and Program Implementation” at the International Police executive Symposium in Sofia, Bulgaria on July 27-August 1, 2014.
Peter C. Kratcoski and Max Edelbacher, “ The Investigation of Insurance Fraud”, Annual
Conference for the Police and Criminal Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada,
September, 2014.
Peter C. Kratcoski and Max Edelbacher, “Prevention and Control of Financial Crimes:
A Cross-Cultural Comparison,” Annual conference, Society for Police and Criminal
Psychology, Ottawa, CA, September 25-28, 2013.
Peter C. Kratcoski, David Graff, and Max Edelbacher, “Criminal Behavior in the Schools:
A Cross-Cultural Comparison,” Poster session, annual conference, Society for Police
And Criminal Psychology, Ottawa, CA, September 15-18, 2013.
Peter C. Kratcoski, Max Edelbacher, and Bojan Dobovsek,“Organized Crime and the
Informal Economy: A Comparative Study of Austria, Slovenia, and the United
States.” Budapest, Hungary, 23rd International Police Executive Symposium,
August 4-9, 2013.
Peter C. Kratcoski, “Executive Summary of Global Issues In Contemporary Policing,” 23rd
International Police Executive Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, August 4-9, 2013.
Peter C. Kratcoski, Max Edelbacher, John Eterno, Kate Storey-Whyte, “Police
Leadership,” 23rd International Police Executive Symposium, Budapest, Hungary,
August 4-9, 2013.
Peter C. Kratcoski, Susan Sim, Dilip Das, Robert Hanser, “Trends in Correctional
Administration,” 23rd International Police Executive Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, August 4-9, 2013
Peter Charles Kratcoski and Peter Christopher Kratcoski, “Perspectives on Serving as a
Part-time Professor,” Association for University Regional Campuses of Ohio 19th
Annual Conference, Lancaster, OH, April 13, 2013.
Peter C. Kratcoski and Max Edelbacher, “Initatives to Prevent and Control Financial
Crimes,” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New York, NY: March, 2012
Peter C. Kratcoski and Max Edelbacher “White Collar Crime: Threat to National
Security” , European Society of Criminology, Bilboa, Spain: September 13-15,
Peter C. Kratcoski and Max Edelbacher, “ Financial Crimes: A Global Threat”,
European Society of Criminology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 12-15, 2011.
Partial Tuscarawas Faculty Publication/Research Activity
Akpan, Justice
Akpan, I.J. & Shanker, M. (2017). The confirmed realities and myths about
the benefits and costs of 3D visualization and virtual reality in discrete event
modeling and simulation: A descriptive meta-analysis of evidence from
research and practice, Computers & Industrial Engineering (CAIE),
112(2017), 197-211. Elsevier.
Akpan, I.J. and Shanker, M (2019). A comparative evaluation of the
effectiveness of virtual reality, 3D visualization, and 2D visual interactive
simulation: An exploratory meta-analysis. Simulation, 95(2), 145-170.
This paper won the editors’ choice award in Feb 2019
Razavi, R. Gharipour, A. Fleury, M. and Akpan, I.J. (2019). A Practical
Feature Engineering Framework for Electricity Theft Detection in Smart Grids.
Applied Energy, 238(2019), 481-494. Elsevier.
Razavi, R. Gharipour, A. Fleury, M. and Akpan, I.J. (2018) Large-Scale Study
of Occupancy Detection of Residential Buildings Using Smart Meter Data.
Energy and Buildings, 183(2019), 195-208. Elsevier.
Akpan, I.J. (2016). The efficacy of consulting practicum in enhancing
students’ readiness for professional career in Management Information
Systems: An empirical analysis, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative
Education, 14(4), 412-440. Wiley.
Akpan, I.J. & Brooks, R.J. (2014). Experimental evaluation of user
performance on two-dimensional and three-dimensional perspective displays
in discrete event simulation, Decision Support Systems (DSS), 64(2014), 14-
30. Elsevier.
Akpan, I.J., & Akpan, A. A. (2017). The impact of internet use on students'
learning outcomes in higher education in developing countries. International
Journal of Education Research, 12(1), 45-54.