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Faculty Focus: Publications: McEnroe-Pettite, D

A listing of KSU Tuscarawas faculty publications.

McEnroe-Pettite, D

Dr. Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte, PhD, MSN, BSN, AS, RN

Associate Professor, Nursing


What Can the International Home Care Nursing Organization Do for You? DENISE M. MCENROE-PETITTE, PHD, MSN, RN, FAADN. Volume 39 | Number 3 

Research Needed for COVID-19 for the Home Care Setting DENISE M. MCENROE-PETITTE, PHD, MSN, RN, FAADN. March/April 2021 Home Healthcare Now 1 


McEnroe-Petitte, D. (2020). Forensic Nursing: A New Role for the Professional Nurse.  SAGE Publishing, United Kingdom.  ISBN: 9781529718966.  doi:  


McEnroe-Petitte, D.  (2020). To Work or Not to Work in a Facility with a Collective Bargaining Unit? SAGE Publishing, United Kingdom. 

ISBN: 9781529718959.  Doi: 


Labrague, L. Galabay, J., Anastacio, A., McEnroe-Petitte, D., & Tsaras, K.  (2020).  Effects of mobile text messaging on breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE) knowledge, BSE self-efficacy, and BSE frequency: a randomized controlled trial.  Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Doi: 10.1111/scs.12849         


McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2020).  Caring for Patients who are HomelessNursing 2020, 50(3), 24-30.  Doi:  10.1097/01.NURSE.0000654600.98061.61 


Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., D’Souza M., Cecily, H., Edet, O., & Enang, J.  (2020).  Enang, J.  (2020).  Capability beliefs and the intention to adopt evidence-based practices in the future among nursing students:  an international studyJournal of Professional Nursing. 


McEnroe-Petitte, D. & Farris, C.  (2020).  Using Gaming as an Active Teaching Strategy in Nursing Education.  Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 15(1), 61-65. Doi:  10.1016/j.teln.2019.09.002

Effects of Mobile Text Messaging on Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Examination (BSE) Knowledge, BSE Self-Efficacy, and BSE Frequency: a Randomized Controlled Trial.  May 2020, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, DOI: 10.1111/scs.12849

Labrague LJ, McEnroe‐Petitte D, Tsaras K, et al. Predictors of postpartum depression and the utilization of postpartum depression services in rural areas in the Philippines. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2019;1‐8.


Peer Reviewed Publications:


Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., D/Souza M., Hammad, D., & Hayudini, J.  Nursing faculty teaching characteristics as perceived by nursing students: An integrative review.  Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 1-11.  doi:  10.1111/scs.12711.


Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., D’Souza, M., Shaji, H., Cecily, J., Fronda, D., Edet, O., Ibebuike, J., Venkatesan, L., Almazan, J., Amri, M., Mirafuentes, E., Cayaban, A.,Yahyaei, A., & Jumal, J.  (2019). A multi-country study on nursing students’ self-perceived competence and barriers to evidence-based practice.  Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, 1-11.  doi:  10.1111/wvn.12364. 


Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., Bowling, A., Nwaform, C., & Tsaras, K.  (2019). High-fidelity simulation and nursing students’ anxiety and self-confidence:  A systematic review.  Nursing Forum, 2019; 1-11.  doi:  10.1111/nuf.12337.


Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., & Leocadio, M.  (2019). Transition experiences of newly graduated Filipino nurses in a resource-scarce rural health care setting:  A qualitative study.  Nursing Forum, 1-8.  doi:  10.1111/nuf.12330.      


Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., Tsaras, KL., D’Souza, M., Fronda, D., Mirafuentes, E.,           Yahyei, A., & Grahm, M.  (2018). Predictors of evidence-based practice knowledge, skills, and attitudes among nursing students.  Nursing Forum, 1-8.  doi:  10.1111/nuf. 12323.


Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., Leocadio, M., Van Bogert, P., & Tsaras, K.  (2018).    Perceptions of Organizational support and its impact on nurses’ job outcomes.   Nursing Forum, 18.  doi:  10.1111/nuf.12260.


Labrague, L. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.  (2018). Job stress in new nurses during the transition period:  an integrative review.  International Nursing Review.  doi:  10.1111/inr.12425.


Labrague, L.J. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2018).  Predictors and outcomes of nurse professional autonomy:  a cross sectional study.  International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2018; e12711.  Online doi:  10.111/ijn.12711.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Frondam D, C.M. & Obeidat, A, A. (2018).  Interprofessional simulation in undergraduate nursing programs:  An integrative review.  Nurse Education Today, 46-55.  46-55. doi:  0.1016/j.nedt.2018.05.001.


 Labrague, L.J., & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M.  Disaster preparedness of nurses:  A systematic review of the literature.  International Nursing Review.  doi:  10.1111/inr.12369.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., van de Mortel, T. & Nasirudenm A.M.A. (2018).  A systematic review on hand hygiene knowledge and compliance in student nurses.    International Nursing Review, 336-348.  doi:  10.1111/inr.12410.

                            Labrague, L.J., Zaid Al-Hamdan, & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2018).  An integrative review on conflict management styles among nursing professionals:  implications for nursing management.  Journal of Nursing Management, 1-16.  doi:  10.1111/jonm.12626.

                  Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. & Konstantinos, T.  (2018). Perceptions of organizational support and its impact on nurses’ job outcomes.  Nursing Forum. 1-8.  doi:  10.1111/nuf.12260.


Labrague, L.J., Al-Hamdan, Z., & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2018).  An integrative review on conflict management styles among nursing professionals: implication for nursing management Journal of Nursing Management, 1-16.  doi:  10.1111/jonm.12626.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., De Los Santo, J.A., & Edet, O. B.  (2018). Examining stress perceptions    and coping strategies among nursing students in Saudi Arabia: a systematic review.  Nurse Education Today, 65, 192-200.  doi:  10.1016/j.nedt.2018.03.012.


Labrague, L.J. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2018).  Job stress in new nurses during the transition period:   an integrative review.  International Nursing Review. 

doi:  10.1111/inr.12425/abstract.

Labrague, L.J., Gloe, D., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Konstantinos, T. & Colet, P.C.  (2017). Factors influencing turnover intention among registered nurses in Samar Philippines.  Applied Nursing Research, 39, 200-206.  doi:  10.1016/j.apnr.2017.11.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Papathanasiou, I.V., Edet, O.B., Konstantinos, T., Leocdio, M.C., Colet, P., Kleisiaris, C.F., Fradelos, E.C., Rosales, R.A., Santon-Lucas, K.V., & Velacaria, P.I.T. (2017).  Stress and coping strategies among nursing students:  an international study.  Journal of Mental Health. Published online: 20 Dec 2017. 

            doi: /10.1080/09638237.2017.1417552.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Pathanasiou, I.V., Edet, O.E., Tsaras, K., Christos, K.F., Fradelos, E.C., Rosales, R.A., Cruz, J.P., Leocadio, M., & Lucas, K.V. (2017).  “A cross-country comparative study on stress and quality of life in nursing students" Perspectives in Psychiatric Care.  doi: 10.1111/ppc.12248. 


Narayan, M., Harris, M., Farris, C., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., & Hiong, F.Y. (2017).  International Guidelines for Home Healthcare Nursing.  Home Healthcare Now, September, 35(8), 450.


Labrague, L.J. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M.  (2017). Stress and ways of coping among nurse managers:  An integrative review.  Journal of Clinical Nursing, doi:  10.1111/jocn.14165.


Narayan, M.C., Harris, M., Farris, C., Hiong, F.Y., & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2017).  International Guidelines for Home Healthcare Nursing.  Home Healthcare Now.  September, 35(8), 450.  doi: 10.1097/NHH.0000000000000595.


Labrague, L.J. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2017).  A systematic review on stress and ways of coping in nurse managers.  International Nursing Review.  doi:  10.111/inr.12425.


Labrague, L.J.& McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2017).  An integrative review on conflict management styles among nursing students:  Implications for nurse education, Nurse Education Today, 59(2017) 45-52.  doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2017.09.001.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. & van de Mortel, Thea, Nasirudeen (2017).  A systematic review on hand hygiene knowledge and compliance in student nurses.  International Nursing Review, 1-13.  doi:  10.1111/inr.12410.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Al Amri, M., Fronda, D. C. & Obeidat, A. A.  (2017).  An integrative review on coping skills in nursing students:  implications for policy-making.  International Nursing Review doi: 10, 1111/inr.12393/abstract.


Labrague, L. J. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2017).  An integrative review on conflict management styles among nursing students: implications for nursing education.  Nurse Education Today. 59, 45-52.


Labrague, L.J., Hammad, K., Gloe, D. S., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Fronda, D. C., Obedidat, A. A., Leocadio, M. C., Cauaban, A. R., & Mirafuentes, E. C.  (2017). Disaster preparedness of nurses:  a systematic review of the literature.  International Nursing Review, 00, 000-000.  doi:  10.1111/inr.12369.


Labrague, L. J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Glow, D., Arteche, D., Tsaras, K., & Maldia, F. (2017).  Organizational politics, nurses’ stress and burnout levels, turnover intention, and job satisfaction International Nursing Review, doi:10.1111/inr.12347.  This article was one of the journal’s top 20 most downloads papers with 2869 downloads.


Labrague, L.J. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2017).  Disaster preparedness in nurses:  a literature review of quantitative studies International Nursing Review, doi:  10/1111/inr.12369/abstract.


Labrague, L.J., Gloe, D., McEnroe – Petitte, D.M., Thomas, L., Papathanasiou, I.V. & Tsaras, K. (2016)  A literature review on stress and coping strategies in nursing students. Journal of Mental Health, 25(4).  doi:  10.1080/09638237.2016.1244721.


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe – Petitte, D.M., Papathanasiou, I.V., Edet, O.B., Arulappan, J., Tsaras, K. & Fronda, D. C. (2016) Nursing Students’ Perceptions of their Instructor’s Caring Behaviors; A four – country Study. Nurse Education Today, 41, 44 – 49. doi:  10.1016/j.nedt.2016.03.013.


Labrague, L.J., Tsaras, K., McEnroe – Petitte, D. M. & Papathanasiou, I. V. (2016).  Correlations between instructors’ caring behavior and nursing students’ caring behavior:  an international study. Labrague, L., McEnroe-Petitte, D., Papathanasiou, I., Edet, O., Arulappan, J., Tsaras, K., & Fronda, D. (2016). Nursing students' perceptions of their instructors' caring behaviors: A four-country study. Nurse Education Today, 41, 44-49.


Labrague, L.J., Yboa, B.C., McEnroe – Petitte, D.M., Lobrino, L.R., & Brennan, M.G.B. (2015). Disaster Preparedness in Philippine Nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48 (1), 1-8. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12186. 


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe – Petitte, D.M., Papathanasiou, I.V., Edet, O.B., & Arulappan, J. (2015) Impact of instructors’ caring on students’ perception of their own caring behavior. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47 (4), 338– 346. doi:10.1111/jnu.12139.  


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe – Petitte, D.M., Papathanasiou, I.V., Edet, O.B., Arulappan, J. & Tsaras, K. (2015) Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Their Own Caring Behaviors: A Multicountry Study. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 26(4). doi: 10.1111/2047-3095.12108. 


Labrague, L.J., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M., Achaso, R.H., Cachero, R. & Mohammad M.R.A (2015) Filipino Nurses’ Spirituality and Provision of Spiritual Nursing Care. Clinical Nursing Research. doi:10.1177/1054773815590966.  


McEnroe-Petitte, D M. (2015). Examining of Caring In Traditional and Non-traditional Nursing Students. International Journal of Nursing Clinical Practice, 2 (148), 1-6.  doi:  10.15344/2394-4978/2015/148.


Labrague, L.J.,  McEnroe-Petitte, D.M, Papathanasiou, I. V., Edet, O.B., Jumah, J. B.,     Balachandran, S., Arulappan, J., & Kamau, S.  (2014). “Nursing Students’ Caring Behavior as an Outcome of Instructors’ Caring:  First Results From an International Study.”  Conference Paper.


Labrague, L.J, & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. (2014) “Use of Music Intervention for Reducing Anxiety and Promoting Satisfaction in First-Time Filipino Fathers.” American Journal of Men's Health 11/2014; doi:  1177/1557988314559240.


McEnroe-Petitte, D.M.  (2014). “Caring in Traditional and Non-Traditional Nursing Students.”   Dissertation. Pro Quest.  Capella University. June 2014.   


Labrague, L.J. & McEnroe-Petitte, D.M.  (2014) “Influence of Music on Preoperative Anxiety and Physiologic Parameters in Women Undergoing Gynecologic Surgery.”  Clinical Nursing Research, 7/2014.  doi: 10.1177/1054773814544168. 


 Farris, C., McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. & Kanayama, T. (2014) “Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy:  Can Hearts’s Really Break?  Home HealthCare Nurse. 32(7) 410-414.  doi:  10.1097/NHH.0000000000000108.


McEnroe-Petitte, D.M. & Harding, M.  (2014).  “Factors Influencing Nursing Student Voluntary Participation in Service-Learning.”  Journal for Civic Commitment, Spring 2014.  


Research Presentations:


Poster presentation at the "2019 National Nurse Educator Summit in Savannah, Georgia for ATI.  “Student nurses’ competence and perceived barriers to evidence-based practice: an international study.”  March 31-April 3, 2019.  Peer reviewed.


International Home Care Nurses Organization and Fairfield University Webinar, “Global Issues in Med Management,” October, 2018.  Assisted with planning and promoting webinar.


Poster presentation at the 45th Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing Education    and Development, Rejuvenating Professional Development & Clinical Excellence.  “Hand Hygiene:  Do They Have The Knowledge and Are They Compliant?”  Fort Wayne, Indiana, October 2018.  Peer reviewed.


Poster presentations at Sigma Theta Tau Delta Omega, Delta Xi, and Pi Chi Chapters-2018 Collaborative Annual Research Conference:  Research, Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement:  Using Data to Inform Practice, Stark Kent State University, May 2018.  Caring in Traditional and Non-Traditional Nursing Students and Student Nurse’s Competence and Perceived Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice:  An International Study.  Peer reviewed.


Oral presentation at Cleveland Clinic 14th Annual Research Conference:  Teaching and Learning Clinical Reasoning Across Time for:  Early Warnings, Making a Clinical Case, and Developing Habits of Thinking and Action, May 2018.  “How to Conduct and Publish a Systematic Review: Examples from Two Recent Reviews.” Recruited to present this prior to conference planned.  Peer reviewed.


Accepted for poster/oral presentations at Sigma Theta Tau International, October 2017, Indianapolis, Indiana.   Poster presentations-“Organizational Politics in the Workplace” and “The Impact of Stress on the Quality of Life of Greek and Filipino Nursing Students”.  Peer reviewed.


Accepted for oral presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International, October 2017, Indianapolis, Indiana with Leo Labrague.  “High fidelity simulation and nursing students’ anxiety and self-confidence:  a systematic review”.  Peer reviewed.


Accepted for oral presentation at “Creating Healthy Work Environments” March 2017 presented by Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Impact of Stress on the Quality of Life of Greek and Filipino Nursing Students.”  Peer reviewed.  Unable to attend due to recovering from shoulder surgery.


Accepted for poster presentations at the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing, November 2016, Dallas, Texas.  “Looking for the fix:  A historical perspective approach to identifying curriculum changes leading to NCLEX pass rates” and “Clinical Assignments:  Using a Concept Based Approach”.  Peer reviewed.


Accepted for poster presentation at the 43rd Biennial convention for Sigma Theta Tau International, November 7-11, 2015.  “Caring in Traditional and Non-Traditional Nursing Students.”  Las Vegas, Nevada. Peer reviewed.


Accepted for oral presentation at the 43rd Biennial convention for Sigma Theta Tau International, November 7-11, 2015.  “Nursing Students’ Caring Behavior As An Outcome of Instructors’ Caring:  First Results From An International Study.”  Las Vegas, Nevada.  Peer reviewed.


Accepted for oral presentation at the NLN Education Summit 2015.  “Nursing students’ caring behavior as an outcome of instructors’ caring:  First results from an international study” and “Caring in Traditional and Non-traditional Nursing Students.”  Las Vegas, Nevada, September 30-October 3, 2015.  Peer Reviewed.


Accepted for oral presentation at the International Home Care Nurses Association Organization (IHCNO) July 8-10, 2015, The University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing.  “Using ACES to Enhance Education about the Geriatric Population.”  Peer reviewed.


Accepted for a poster presentation, “Caring in Nursing:  Is There a Difference in Traditional and Non-Traditional Nursing Students?” and “Let’s Switch!!  First and Second Year

Associate Degree Clinical Nursing Students Rotate.” National Organization of Associate Degree Nurses (N-OADN) 2014 Convention, St. Louis, MO, November 2014.  Peer reviewed.


Accepted for a poster presentation, “Caring in Nursing:  Is There a Difference in Traditional and Non-Traditional Nursing Students.”  Drexel University Nursing Education Institute, June 2014, Myrtle Beach, SC.  Peer reviewed.  


Accepted for poster presentation, “Caring in Traditional and Non-Traditional Nursing Student’s,” OCADNEA Annual Conference on Incivility.  April 10, 2014. Grove City, Ohio.  Peer reviewed.  


Accepted for poster presentation, “Caring in Traditional and Non-Traditional Nursing Student’s,” Ohio League for Nursing, Nursing Education Summit Education & Practice:  Joining Forces to Educate Tomorrow’s Nurse.  April 4, 2014. Dublin, Ohio.  Peer reviewed.  


Additional activities:


Reviewed chapter in Yoost:  Fundamentals of Nursing:  Active Learning for Collaborative Practice, 2nd Edition.  Chapter 42,   Death and Loss.                  10/17              Chapter Revision

Contributor for 11th edition of Elsevier’s Medical-Surgical Nursing:  Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems.  Chapter 9:  Palliative Care at End of Life        8/17      Chapter Revision

Illustrated Study Guide for the NCLEX-RN Exam by JoAnn Zerwekh.  10th edition (publication date 2018).  Revised chapter 18-Vascular.      7/17      Chapter Revision

Reviewer for Nursing Today:  Transition and Trends by Zerwekh. J. & Garneau, A. (2015).  Reviewed for future for 9th edition, March 2016. 

Chapters 1, 9, 10, 18 and 19.      5/15      Chapter Reviewer


Panthi, Dhruba

[1]         Yang, X., Chen, J., Panthi, D., Niu, B., Lei, L., Yuan, Z., ... & He, T. (2019). Electron doping of Sr2FeMoO6−δ as high performance anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7(2), 733-743.

[2]         Hedayat, N., Panthi, D., & Du, Y. (2019). Inert substrate-supported microtubular solid oxide fuel cells based on highly porous ceramic by low-temperature co-sintering. Ceramics International, 45(1), 579-587.

[3]         Panthi, D., Hedayat, N., & Du, Y. (2018). Densification behavior of yttria-stabilized zirconia powders for solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 7(4), 325-335.

[4]         Du, Y., Hedayat, N., Panthi, D., Ilkhani, H., Emley, B. J., & Woodson, T. (2018). Freeze-casting for the fabrication of solid oxide fuel cells: A review. Materialia, 1, 198-210.

[5]         Hedayat, N., Panthi, D., & Du, Y. (2018). Fabrication of tubular solid oxide fuel cells by solvent‐assisted lamination and co‐firing a rolled multilayer tape cast. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 15(2), 307-314.

[6]         Yang, X., Panthi, D., Hedayat, N., He, T., Chen, F., Guan, W., & Du, Y. (2018). Molybdenum dioxide as an alternative catalyst for direct utilization of methane in tubular solid oxide fuel cells. Electrochemistry Communications, 86, 126-129.

[7]         Hedayat, N., Panthi, D., & Du, Y. (2017). Fabrication of anode-supported microtubular solid oxide fuel cells by sequential dip-coating and reduced sintering steps. Electrochimica Acta, 258, 694-702.

[8]         Panthi, D., Choi, B., Du, Y., & Tsutsumi, A. (2017). Lowering the co-sintering temperature of cathode–electrolyte bilayers for micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells. Ceramics International, 43(14), 10698-10707.

[9]         Choi, B., Panthi, D., Nakoji, M., Tsutsumi, K., & Tsutsumi, A. (2017). Design and performance evaluation of a novel 1 kW-class hydrogen production/power generation system. Applied Energy, 194, 296-303.

[10]       Panthi, D., Choi, B., & Tsutsumi, A. (2017). Direct methane operation of a micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell with a porous zirconia support. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 21(1), 255-262.

[11]       Choi, B., Panthi, D., Nakoji, M., Kabutomori, T., Tsutsumi, K., & Tsutsumi, A. (2017). A novel water-splitting electrochemical cycle for hydrogen production using an intermediate electrode. Chemical Engineering Science, 157, 200-208.

[12]       Choi, B., Panthi, D., & Tsutsumi, A. (2016). Improving Rate Performance of MnO2 Positive Electrode for Fuel Cell/Battery Systems by Blending with Ni(OH)2. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163(10), A2299-A2303.

[13]       Panthi, D., Choi, B., & Tsutsumi, A. (2015). Performance improvement and redox cycling of a micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell with a porous zirconia support. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(33), 10588-10595.

[14]       Panthi, D., Choi, B., & Tsutsumi, A. (2015). Fabrication and evaluation of a micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell with an inert support using scandia-stabilized zirconia electrolyte. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162(14), F1555-F1560.

[15]       Choi, B., Panthi, D., Nakoji, M., Kabutomori, T., Tsutsumi, K., & Tsutsumi, A. (2015). Novel hydrogen production and power generation system using metal hydride. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(18), 6197-6206.

[16]       Choi, B., Panthi, D., Kwon, Y., & Tsutsumi, A. (2015). Chemical charging on a MnO2 electrode of a fuel cell/battery system in a highly O2-dissolved electrolyte. Electrochimica Acta, 160, 323-329.