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Faculty Focus: Publications: Das, L

A listing of KSU Tuscarawas faculty publications.

Das, L

Lovejoy Das,

Professor of Mathematical Sciences & Honors Program Coordinator

Kent State University Tuscarawas


1.       Absos Ali Shaikh , Lovejoy Das, Haradhan Kundu and Dhyanesh Chakraborty  “Curvature Properties of Siklos Metric”, Differential Geometry and Dynamical System, Vol.21(2019),167-180.

2.       Absos Ali Shaikh and Lovejoy Das, “ Second order parallel tensors and Ricci Solitons on Lorentzian Para r-Sasakian manifold with a coefficient α ” Mathematica Poannonica 26(2) November (2018).

3.       Lovejoy Das and Nazrul Islam Khan, “Almost para contact structure on tangent bundle”    ACTA Mathematica (AMAPN), Hungary.Vol. 34(1), 2018.

4.       MNI Khan and Lovejoy Das “ On Tachibana and Vishnevskii operators associated with certain structures in the tangent bundle” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.Vol.6, no.10( 2018).

5.       Lovejoy Das, “Second Order parallel tensors on LP -Sasakian manifolds with a coefficient alpha. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae 33 ( 2017), 85-89.



         Refereed a paper ”On the Lifts of F(2K + S, S) structure satisfying F^( 2K+S) + F^( S)= 0 (where, K ≥ 1, S ≥ 1) on Cotangent and Tangent Bundle” Electronic Journal of Geometry, 2019.

              Received, Albert Nelson Marquis Life Time Achievement Award, Marquis Who’s Who, August 2018.

              Refereed a paper entitled “STRUCTURES IN A DIFFERENTIABLE MANIFOLD AND THEIR APPLICATIONS TO THE TANGENT BUNDLE”, Italian Journal of Mathematics, April 2018.

              A Senatorial Citataion by Senator Troy Balderson, Columbus, Ohio on being selected for membership in the National Collegiate Honors Council, April, 2017.  

              Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Investigation on some classes of warped product manifolds." University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India 2017.

              Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “A view of various structures in a differentiable manifold." University of Lucknow , India 2016.

              Member of National Collegiate Honors Council, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA, 2016-present.

              Judge at The Ohio State University, Young Mathematician Conference, for students involved in REU projects around USA, August 21-23, 2015.


        Lovejoy Das (2015), review of “Blow-ups of locally conformally balanced manifolds”, by Yong    Song, Geometrica Dedicata  (2015), 174, 187-192