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Physical Therapy Resources: HOME

About This Guide

This guide was developed for students in the course Clinical Conditions II, Instructor Darryl Hancock.  It is designed to help students with the research assignment for this class. It is also an excellent resource for all PTA students doing research.

Guide to the Guide!

Below are the instructions for the Research Paper.  The text in BLUE will direct you to where to look in this LibGuide for help. 

1.  Paper is to be no more than 4-6 typed pages in length, single or double-spaced.

2.  Use acceptable citation techniques for referencing material . Refer to the APA Style Tab for help.  The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) is the style guide used by the health care field. 

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE  Refer to the Plagiarism tab for Kent State University's definition and policy on plagiarism.  Get useful tips on avoiding plagiarism.

3.  Use a minimum of five sources as reference.  Internet sources may be used for no more than two of your sources and they should be legitimate, scholarly sites. Magazines or journals should also be scholarly.

  • The Discovery tab will explain and present Discovery@Kent State, a search engine that searches the entire full-text collection of KentLINK and OhioLINK.  It will retrieve books, journal articles, dissertations, media, e-books, etc.
  • The Finding Articles tab will identify the best places to search for articles in the physical therapy field.  The drop down menu on this tab list the best databases to search.  Begin with these.  
  • Discovery and research databases are the best sources for scholarly, timely and accurate information!  General internet sources should be used as a last resort.  Refer to the Internet Searching tab for guidance

4.  Include a bibliography.  Your bibliography will be a "Works Cited" list.  Refer to the APA Style Tab to learn how to format your citations.

Contact the Academic Learning Commons Coordinator for additional help.  Contact information is on the right.

Coordinator, Academic Learning Commons

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Maegan Richards
East Liverpool & Salem Campuses
(330) 337-4211