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Learning to Learn Online: Resources, Strategies, and Tips: Home


Welcome to our guide to online learning for the Columbiana County campuses!  We know that learning online is a new experience for many of you, and that learning and working remotely under these unexpected circumstances is new to us all.  Because of these new circumstances, we want to provide you with information and resources to help you succeed as you continue to take classes in this remote environment.  We hope you find this information helpful, and we will continue to update this guide as we discover new student-focused resources, tips, and supports.

If nothing else, please know that the faculty and staff are still here to help. We support you, and you can do this!  We will get through this together.

Essential Bookmarks: Important Websites to Know (and Use!)


Important contact information for the East Liverpool and Salem campuses!

Keep On Learning 

A great resource with FAQs about using Blackboard Learn, accessibility, internet access and other tech issues, communicating with your professors, and important semester deadlines.

Blackboard Learn


Columbiana Campus Libraries

Student Resources LibGuide

University Libraries

Download Microsoft Office for FREE

Whether you have just purchased a new computer or you have had a free trial version expire, please know that you can download Microsoft Office free of charge through the University.  The download includes the full Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.), and the download is available for both Windows and Mac iOS.  

Please be aware that if you have a Chromebook, you will not be able to download and install Microsoft Office on your device, but you can still access Microsoft Office online by going to  You should be prompted to sign in to access the online Office apps.  To sign in, please use your KSU/FlashLine e-mail address and password.

You can find additional free software downloads through IT's software catalog.

If you encounter problems trying to either download Office or access the online apps, please contact IT via phone, chat, or by submitting a HelpDesk ticket.


Learning to Learn (and Succeed) Online

Know Your Classes

  • Your remote and online classes should primarily be conducted through Blackboard Learn
  • You can access the site directly by going to or by first logging into FlashLine (look for the "Bb" icon in the upper right-hand corner).  If you are prompted to sign into Blackboard, do so using your FlashLine username and password.
  • How to Access Your Class in Blackboard Learn (PDF)
  • Student Guides for Using Blackboard Learn
  • Review your class syllabi and make note of the following:
    • Yes, the class is being conducted remotely and online, but are there days/times you're expected to be online for class meetings or videoconferencing (synchronous) lectures?
    • When are assignments due and how are they supposed to be submitted?  Will you need to upload finished assignments to a Blackboard course page or e-mail them to your instructor?
    • When are your class quizzes and exams?  Will you take them through Blackboard or using another platform, like Proctorio or ProctorU?  


Know Your Professors

  • Keep track of, or know where to find, your instructors' e-mail addresses and phone numbers.  Like much of the information mentioned above, this information can always be found in your class syllabus, at the top of the first page.
  • How should you communicate with your instructors?  This is important.  Again, your professor will often include how they would best like you to communicate with them in their syllabus.  Some instructors prefer that you contact them through Blackboard, while others prefer an e-mail through FlashLine.
  • What are your instructors' office hours, and how are those office hours being held?  You never know when you might want or need to speak with your instructor outside of class, and office hours offer you the opportunity to do that.  Some professors may conduct their office hours via e-mail or over the phone, but many may also do so through Blackboard or Zoom.  It is important that you know how and when you can easily contact your instructors.


Know Your Support

  • Staff from all departments across the Columbiana County campuses are still available and ready to help you succeed!
  • Visit the InfoColumbiana page to see full contact listings for both East Liverpool and Salem.  In addition to e-mail, you can still call us Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • Reach out to administrators and staff in Student Services, the Academic Learning Commons/Libraries, and IT when you have questions or need assistance.

Used to Studying with Friends?

If you're used to studying with friends and classmates, consider putting together virtual study groups.

Use technology you're already comfortable with (Facetime, for example) or branch out and experiment with other resources, like Google Hangouts, Skype, or Zoom.  Likewise, use study groups as an opportunity to check in with your friends and classmates. Setting some sort of agenda or schedule in advance may help you to stay on task and have the study session be as productive as possible.  Decide beforehand what course content you're going to cover so that you and your study partners can all come to the session prepared with the appropriate notes and books handy, or the necessary PowerPoint presentations, video lectures, or websites pulled up.

For additional tips and suggestions, take a look at this post from