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Learning to Learn Online: Resources, Strategies, and Tips: Need Help?

Ask Us - We're Here to Help!

During this time of remote learning and social distancing, it is very easy to feel alone and cut off from others, especially those people that you are used to seeing regularly, like your family, friends, and all those that you usually spend time with on campus throughout the week.  However, please know that faculty and staff are still here to help.  We might currently also be working from home, but faculty and staff remain committed, every day, to helping you succeed and advance towards earning your degree.  

Reach Out to the Staff

You may not be able to stop by our offices in between classes at the moment, but you can still reach out to all of us in the Academic Learning Commons, Advising, Financial Aid, and Student Services.  If you have questions or need help, we want to hear from you!  The setup might be a little different for awhile, but staff are still maintaining their normal weekly schedules.  Call us or e-mail us and we'll be happy to help. 

  • Contact your advisor to register for summer or fall classes;
  • Reach out to Maegan if you need help with doing research, using library resources, or you have questions about tutoring options;
  • Contact Student Services at East Liverpool or Salem if you have questions about your financial aid, tuition, or billing.

Do you have a question and you're not sure who to contact?  Just send an e-mail to and your message will be directed to the most appropriate person. 

Likewise, remember that you can always reach out to an employee that you're familiar or most comfortable with.  If they do not have the information or resources you need, they can still put you in contact with someone who can.



Stay in Touch with Instructors

Do you feel lost in class?  Are you unsure of how to navigate your BlackBoard course and unable to access lectures and assignments?  Have you run into technology issues that make it difficult or challenging for you to keep up with your classes and complete your work?  If you can ever answer "yes" to any of those questions, please contact your instructor(s).  Our faculty want you to succeed, but they often will not know why you are not turning in assignments, missing exams, or simply not "showing up" to class unless you communicate with them. 

If you contact your instructor(s) to explain what's going on and what's preventing you from completing assignments or keeping up in class, they may be able to work with you or direct you to other people or resources that can help.  Taking the time to send your instructor an e-mail may make a huge difference to your overall success in their class.

If you need to reach out to an instructor but are unsure of their e-mail address, you can:

  • Check the class syllabus in the course page on Blackboard Learn.  Your instructor's e-mail and phone number should typically be at the top of the first page.
  • Look them up using the Phone Directory in FlashLine.  Look for the little phone icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page after you've logged in.
  • Ask your advisor, another instructor, or a classmate for assistance.  If you cannot find your instructor's e-mail address on your own, reach out to someone else to see if they're able to help.

Also, be sure that you are checking your KSU e-mail through FlashLine regularly (at least once or twice a day), so that you're not missing important e-mails from your professors.  Keeping on top of your e-mail is one easy way to stay organized and keep in touch with your instructors.

A Quick Note About Tutoring...

As the spring semester begins to wind down, so will our current online and virtual tutoring services.  However, as the fall semester approaches, we will be working to continue to provide you with as many tutoring options as possible.  As those services are finalized and organized, keep an eye on your e-mail for tutoring updates and schedules.

If at any point over the summer you have questions about online tutoring options, please contact Wendy Adkins (East Liverpool) or Maegan Richards (Salem)

Wendy Adkins: (330) 382-7401 or (330) 382-7421 or

Maegan Richards: (330) 337-4211 or (330)- 337-4213 or

Kent State Emergency Fund

Emergency grants are available for East Liverpool and Salem students.  For more information, please contact Shelly Weekley at (330) 382-7415 or

For more information about the emergency funds as well as other resources, please visit the COVID-19 Emergency Resources page.



Counseling and Wellness Services

Our campus counselors are still available to help.  If you would like to talk to someone, please contact:

Please click here for information about 24/7 counseling and wellness resources.
