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NRST: Evidence Based Practice: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Finding Evidence-Based Practice Journal Articles

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (LWW)

This is an exclusive collection of more than one hundred full-text journals published by LWW in nursing and related health fields. 
There are two ways to access this database:
1. Through the Research Databases Alphabetical (also on our home page)
Look in the "L" section for the "Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins Nursing and Health Profession Premier Collection"
2. Through the Kentlink Catalog
Type in the search box ""Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins Nursing and Health Profession Premier Collection" then click on "connect to Resource"


To find an article:

  1. Choose "Multi-Field Search" to get the form that is similar to the one in CINAHL 
  2. Type in your topic (first line) and "evidence based practice" (second line).  Try putting quotes around phrases.  This ensures that the phrase is search for and not just the individual words of evidence and based and practice. 
  3. To get articles "focused" on these topics, try changing "all fields" to "abstract."  You might even chose "title" if you get a lot of results.



LWW is really not a resarch database (a search engine for journal articles) but rather a collection of journals with a search index.  The results you retrieve will alway be in one of the journals.  In other is all full-text!