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COMM 15000: Intro to Communications: Finding Articles

Getting Started

  1. Journal articles are the best sources of information for this assignment!  The article search engines (or research databases) covered in this section are the best and most often used ones for this course.  Depending on your topic, you may use addittional databases as well. 
  2. Your professor has asked you to document the research databases that you use.  Ask a library staff member if you need help in doing this.

Research Databases

Research databases are topic specific search engines that retrieve journal articles and other types of information.  There are hundreds of databases and only a few are highlighted in this guide.  To access the other databases, use these lists:

Alphabetical List:  This is a good choice if you know the specific database or one has been recommended to you by the librarian or professor.

Subject List:  In this list, you can select the subject that is closest to your topic and retrieve a list of the best databases for that topic.  (This will be your choice most of the time!)   

Subject Guide