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Proposal: Information Literacy Instruction and Assessment: Authentic Assessment of Skill Application

Authentic Assessment

Overview of Authentic Assessment.  This type of assessment measures student learning at the moment, or quickly thereafter, of a skill.  This can be accomplished at the end of an instruction session by having students complete a worksheet, quiz, or other student artifact.  This type of assessment will show librarians what students are learning in their instruction session and give feedback that can be used to change teaching focus.

Authentic Assessment

Authentic Assessment of Skill Application (measuring student learning outcomes)

  • Measures – evaluates student learning outcomes at instruction session level
  • Instrument –Rubric applied to in-class activity/worksheet 
  • Sample size- 10% of instruction sessions per librarian (need to make sure it is statistically valid and useful results at the program level)
  • When administered
    • collect activity after instruction session and apply rubric
    •  can be used in any instruction class with a student artifact (worksheet, quiz, pre/post test etc.)
  • How often- every semester/year
  • Analysis & Evaluation
    • use rubric to determine if students were successful or not
    • 70% of students scored...satisfactory on rubric
  • Share results: Return activity/worksheet to student, create summary report to share with teaching faculty, and/or department coordinator 
  • Instruction change: Depending on results, librarians will discuss changes to teaching style, contact hours with students and teaching faculty involvement with information literacy skills

Student Learning Outcomes


Possible Student Learning Outcomes to Assess at Freshman and Sophomore Level

  • Develop and apply criteria in order to critically evaluate information sources. 
  • Create and refine effective search strategies in order to access scholarly information from library resources
  • Identify characteristics of different types of literature (encyclopedia, book, scholarly article) in order to increase understanding and comprehend contexts of works.