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Keep Teaching - Faculty Resources: Start Here

Keep Teaching

This library guide is designed to help you

transfer your course materials and activities to the online environment.

Please follow the steps below to get started. Look through the tabs for help in specific areas. 

Virtual Tools

There are several virtual tools available - for multiple synchronous users, recordable. - Network Services can provide support

Microsoft Teams- Plan live events- Network Services can provide support-

Blackboard Ultra (Available in your Blackboard course)- Synchonous users, recording, embedding in Blackboard- Network Services can provide support simple screen capture and recording. Synchornous users

Sidecar LearningThe rich content of the web is your content. Just pick a web page, add text, questions, and images and create a guide in minutes. Existing content means you’re teaching users to use the materials they encounter in their daily lives. *** free until the end of the semester.


Free Access

A number of resources are offering free access during the crisis. 

Kent is working on adding these to the catalog so that you can find them through Discover@Kent. 

Until then, we have a listing here


Free for 2 months. 

BibliU- Textbooks

Discord Group Chat for instructors from around the world to discuss online education. 

Please create an account in discord to access. 

Getting Started: Remote Teaching - Best Practices

Step 1: Contact your students

Even if you don't have a plan in place yet, inform your students as soon as possible that changes are coming and what your expectations are for checking email or Blackboard. All courses have a Blackboard site. So even if you don’t use Blackboard regularly, it can help you in the event of class changes by providing a secure, easily-accessible place for your students to access materials. 

Step 2: Consider realistic goals for continuing instruction

What do you think you can realistically accomplish during this time period? Identify your priorities during the disruption—providing lectures, structuring new opportunities for discussion or group work, collecting assignments, etc.

Step 3: Review your course schedule and syllabus to determine new expectations

You will have to reconsider some of your expectations for students, including participation, communication, and deadlines. As you think through those changes, keep in mind the impact this situation may have on students' ability to meet those expectations. Be ready to handle requests for extensions or accommodations.

Step 4: Create Content and Distribute Content

If you do not currently have materials that can be distributed online, you will need to create them. Once your content is created, you will need to distribute it to students. This guide provides resources that can help you with this task.

Step 6: Communicate with Students (Most importantly)

You will want to be communicating where and how to access materials throughout this process. Keep students informed about changes in your assignments and the class schedule. 


Modified from Georgia Tech's response to remote teaching- best practices. 

Teaching Online - Best Practices

Faculty Support Reference Desk

KSU Teaching Support Links

Ohio Support Links