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HIST 41089 Recent America (Li): Plagiarism

Quick Guide to Plagiarism

How Do I know if it's plagiarism

Plagiarism Policy

Kent State University defines plagiarism as:

“To take and present as one's own a material portion of the ideas or words of another or to present as one's own an idea or work derived from an existing source without full and proper credit to the source of the ideas, words, or works.”

Kent State's administrative policy on student cheating and plagiarism can be found in its policy register:

Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

Kent State Tuscarawas would like to provide all the information necessary for our students to understand how not to commit plagiarism.  We provide workshops on avoiding plagiarism, learning citation styles and how to gather your research effectively.

Our library staff members are knowledgeable and able to answer your questions. Stop by the library and have a Librarian review your paper and we can help you determine if you've taken the steps to ensure your paper does not contain plagiarism. 

Below are links to more information that can help you avoid plagiarism and the penalties that are associated with plagiarism.

Most professors either have access to a plagiarism checker or use Google to check for specific phrases. You may want to check your paper through a plagiarism checker before you turn it in. This one's free!

Citation Help

We offer a wealth of information with citations.

Our APA or MLA citation guide give you the information to create citations.

We also offer RefWorks to help you create citations in the correct format for either style.

The Writing Center is FREE and is housed in Founder Hall A104. For further Writing Center assistance, e-mail them at The Writing Center or stop by the Office of Academic Services.