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Technology Equipment: Students

This guide provides information about the equipment available to loan from the Stark Campus Library

Borrowing Information

There are laptops available for students to borrow during the day from the Library.

Borrowers: Students only
Loan period: 2 hours
Restrictions: none

Contact Information

Rolodex icon

Stark Campus Library
(ext. 53330 on campus)


Information about this equipment



Model Number:

 Latitude 6440



Number for Loan:


These laptops can be checked out by students for two hours. The battery should last for the entire loan period. If that is a problem, the library has a couple of adapters that can also be checked out so that student's do not lose the work they have saved on the hard drive. The hard drive will re-image itself each time the computer is re-booted and students will lose the work they have saved on it. We recommend saving work to a flashdrive.

The library charges batteries in-between loans.
