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CULT 29535: Education In A Democratic Society: Ebsco Education Databases

CULT 29535 Cultural Foundations

Ebsco Education Databases

EBSCO DATABASES -- can be searched individually or as a group. Be aware that some limiters may be lost when searching as a group. General keyword searching will search all the chosen databases. Follow a link for an Ebsco database and then click on the "Choose databases" link. Select the databases you want to search by checking the box. When you have selected the databases you need click on "OK". You are then searching multiple databases at the same time. Enter your search terms.

ERIC -- (an Ebsco database) a national education database sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.  It consists of over 900,000 citations from journals, reports, and other sources spanning the entire field of education and related areas on all aspects of education research from 1966 to date.

Education Full Text-- Education Full Text indexes articles from education journals. This resource is helpful in locating articles on a wide range of educational topics. There are approximately 770 journals indexed, 440 of them are peer-reviewed.

Education Research Complete-- (an Ebsco database) provides indexing and abstracts for more than 1,500 journals, as well as full text for more than 750 journals. It also includes is full text for more than 100 books and monographs, and full text for education-related conference papers.

Professional Development Collection-- (an Ebsco database) The Professional Development Collection is a wonderful database to use when looking for those “how-to” articles written by practicing teachers.

Primary Search-- (an Ebsco database) Provides full text for 50 children's magazines and over 100 children's pamphlets, designed for elementary school students in grades K-5. This database now also includes the content from Encyclopedia of Animals.

Middle Search Plus-- (an Ebsco database) Provides full text for over 140 magazines covering general topics appropriate for middle and junior high school students in grades 6-8. This database now also includes the content from Encyclopedia of Animals.

MAS Ultra (school edition)-- (an Ebsco database) Provides full text for 460 general interest and current events magazines for high school students in grades 9-12.

ERIC (Ebsco) Search Screen

In the Ebsco Databases it is usually helpful to add additional databases to your search.

Click on "Choose Databases"

When the Choose Databases list appears scroll down the list and add databases that will assist your search. For example for Education you can add: Education Full Text, Education Research Complete, ERIC, Professional Development Collection, Primary Search, MAS Ultra etc... (the example below is for demonstration only). After you have selected your databases click on "OK". Your search will be combined. Some limiters may not be available but basic keyword searching is not affected.

Limiting by educational level

ERIC records include information that identifies the educational level addressed in the document described. 

Limiting by educational level makes it easy to narrow your searches to items about early childhood, primary, or elementary education. 

Early childhood education covers children from birth through the primary units of elementary school (grades K-3).

Preschool education refers to children, from birth to entrance in kindergarten (or grade 1 when kindergarten is not attended).

Primary education covers education provided in kindergarten through grade 3.

Elementary education covers kindergarten or grade 1 through grade 6, 7, or 8.

The field may also include a specific grade level designation-- e.g. Grade 1.

The Ebsco educational level limit box lists educational levels alphabetically