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Plagiarism Prevention Program @ KSU Stark: Welcome

Check your draft for plagiarism before sumbitting your final paper.



How does the program work?

The Plagiarism Prevention Program uses Turnitin to review your draft papers for plagiarism issues. Turnitin compares your paper to existing sources, such as the internet and databases, and identifies and highlights possible plagiarism in your submitted assignment

If you are interested in having your paper checked in Turnitin, you can begin by filling out an online request form. Within 48 hours, one of the Stark Campus librarians will contact you in order to obtain the assignment. The librarian will then submit the draft to Turnitin. If the report is clean (no issues of plagiarism), the report will be sent to you. Otherwise, we will contact you to set up an appointment to discuss the findings. 

Why use the Plagiarism Prevention Program?

The Plagiarism Check program can detect plagiarism issues before you submit the final draft of your paper, allowing you time to correct the issues before submitting your assignment to your instructor.

What should I expect during the session?

Appointments to review the Turnitin report generally last 30 minutes. A librarian will sit with you and review the report findings and answer any of your questions. You will be given a print copy of the report to take home.

Turnitin Request

Turnitin Request

Use this link to upload your document to be reviewed by Turnitin