This term refers to intellectual and personal honesty in “learning, teaching, research, and service” (Center for Academic Integrity, 1999).
Students at Kent State University are expected to understand and follow accepted standards for academic integrity. They are expected to do their own work and to respect and acknowledge the work of others.
Cheating and plagiarism have no place in the university. They undermine academic goals and objectives and infringe on the rights of other students.
The University's Honor Code provides students with the opportunity to affirm that they understand and will comply with accepted standards of academic integrity.
Signing the code is completely voluntary. It is not a contract and, although added to the student's university record, has no effect on how the student is treated if accused of academic dishonesty.
The Kent State Univesity definition of plagiarism is
"To take and present as one's own a material portion of the ideas or words of another or to present as one's own an idea or work derived from an existing source without full and proper credit to the source of the ideas, words, or works."
For more information about Plagiarism visit the Kent Plagiarism page. Here you can learn about Plagiarism School and find resources such as the Kent State University administrative policy on student cheating and plagiarism.
In your academic work, you always need to cite your sources to show where you found the information you've used and to give credit to the original authors. It doesn't matter where your information came from. It could be in print, online, on television, or in conversation.
This applies to all academic work: papers, presentations, and other written work. If you didn't do the work, you shouldn't claim it as your own.
Failure to cite sources properly is plagiarism.
Here are some suggestions for keeping track of your sources and avoiding any suspicion of plagiarism:
Instructors may impose these sanctions for plagiarism:
Watch this video from Kent State University Libraries. Your instructor may provide access to the Avoiding Plagiarism quiz through yourBlackboard Learn Course page.