View this video for simple information to show how you can find web information that is appropriate for University research.
Need a review of basic grammar rules? These sites will help build your knowledge of grammar.
Chomp Chomp (Interactive grammar reviews)
Grammar Gold (very basic grammar rules)
Seraching Google for quality articles can be a daunting task. Here are a few articles that meet the 5 criteria for evaluating web resources.
Chronicling America- Historic Newspapers
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture - The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, a research unit of The New York Public Library, is generally recognized as one of the leading institutions of its kind in the world. For over 80 years the Center has collected, preserved, and provided access to materials documenting black life, and promoted the study and interpretation of the history and culture of peoples of African descent.
National Museum of African American History - NMAAHC collections represent objects collected across the country to tell the stories that make up the African American experience.
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, & Abolition - a part of the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale, is dedicated to the investigation and dissemination of knowledge concerning all aspects of chattel slavery and its destruction.
Civil Rights Digital Library - The initiative promotes an enhanced understanding of the Movement through its three principal components: 1) a digital video archive of historical news film allowing learners to be nearly eyewitnesses to key events of the Civil Rights Movement, 2) a civil rights portal providing a seamless virtual library on the Movement by connecting related digital collections on a national scale, and 3) a learning objects component delivering secondary Web-based resources
Race and Ethnicity- Chicago School of Prefessional Psychology - features information on racial oppression and social control, ethnicity, affirmative action, racial identity, and the social construction of race.