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Radiologic Technology: Resume Sections & Content

Rad Tech Sample Resumes

Resume Sections


  • Your name is in the largest font size (up to 16 point) on your resume and located at the top.
  • Mailing address and phone number are current (with a professional message on your answering machine/and or voice mail).
  • Only one, professional email address is provided. Your email is recommended (remember, you can forward your email to another email address you may utilize).
  • Include URL of your web site (if you have one and content is appropriate for employer viewing).

Objective or Summary

  • An objective describes your career goals and tells the employer what you want to do. A summary is typically used by someone with several years of experience and contains three to five phrases highlighting areas of expertise, examples of leadership, or personal strengths – the VALUE you offer to the employer.
  • Is clear and concise and supported by the rest of your resume.
  • Indicates a realistic and/or proven career plan.
  • Is tailored to the specific posting.
  • Your resume should contain accurate and honest information and be free of personal data such as age, marital status, height/weight, and photos (unless applying for positions overseas when additional information may be appropriate).


  • List current degree/major and any post-secondary degrees obtained in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
  • Degree(s)/Major(s) are named appropriately (i.e. “Bachelor of Science in (your major)”, not “BS”)
  • Emphasize degree by placing it in bold before school name and location (city, state)
  • List only the month and year of graduation (do not put “expected” or “projected” graduation).
  • Include overall and major GPA if 3.0 or higher.
  • If you financed your education, say so. For example, “Financed 75% of college tuition.”
  • List only significant coursework (no more than six, junior level courses and up) that directly support your career objective.

Special Skills

  • Include computer skills and name the software programs in which you are proficient.
  • Include language skills if applicable (non-native English speaker should not include English since this is assumed).

Work/Internship Experience

  • List experience starting with most recent position first (reverse chronological order).
  •  Emphasize full and part-time positions, paid or unpaid internships, volunteer work, etc. related to your objective.
  • Include your title, organization, location (city, state only).
  • Include the month and year (no abbreviations) of employment, not exact dates.
  • Use strong action verbs (supervised, oversaw, designed, etc.) to describe responsibilities and accomplishments (avoid passive phrases such as “responsible for” and “duties included”).
  • List position duties with bullets instead of writing them in paragraph form (if space available on page).
  • Provide specific/quantifying information (numbers, dollars, percentages) when possible.
  • When writing numbers, 10 and over are numerical, nine and under are written out as words.
  • Use appropriate verb tense. (Use past tense action verbs to describe all past and present employment experiences.)
  • Emphasize skills appropriate to your stated objective.


  • List the interests that will show employers you are a well-rounded individual or that support your career objective. For example, hobbies, travel, intellectual activities, or special interests.
  • This section can be optional if space is already limited on your resume.
  • List up to six maximum.


  • Obtain three to five references from individuals familiar with your academic, leadership, teamwork, and/or work habits.
  • Include a separate reference page (with references centered on page) or the line “References (and portfolio) available upon request” at the end of your resume.

Source: KSU's Career Services Website