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First Year Resources from CPM Library: FALL - Medical Ethics

Medical Ethics

Course Textbooks

  • E-BOOKS (if available) are noted.  If limited to 1-5 users at a time, PLEASE be considerate when done and close your browser so that others can access it.
  • Older editions of these titles may be available for three week or six week check-out depending on the edition. See the librarian for help.
  • For OFF-CAMPUS access to E-Books and other library resources, all links bring you to the Library's catalog.  Look for the "Connect to Resource" link.  (Click for more  information about the KSU Proxy).
  • To locate old editions or other books, e-books, journals, and databases, use the library catalog at KentLINK (


If you have any problems or questions, please contact the CPM Library at, call 216-916-7505, or stop by.